LANDSURFER wrote:My experiance has been slightly different.
I have decided not to break the law.
I don't seem to have any problems with the police.
Do you think there may be a connection ??
It's a choice we all have .......
Sad fact that most people who dont break laws dont see the law for what it is. A means of controling the slaves. Very sad. I dont need a law to tell me whats right or wrong. We all inherently know the difference between right and wrong. If you do whats right because you believe its right and it causes no harm, then what are you doing wrong.
I dont do harm to anyone. My biggest crime is breaking outdated spead limits that were put in place for morris 1000s drum brakes and b roads. So what!. If the tyres brakes suspension etc is all so much better nowadays why do we need to go so slow?. Maybe driver training would help. Maybe if all the old ladys who complain about not having a bus service or local shops got rid of the cars then they would create new jobs and better srvices by not getting in their cars going to supermarkets and blocking the roads. Seems a bit simple to me.
We dont need laws to protect us from bad guys. The law protects them from being lynched by us. Laws are for scared frightened paranoid people.
I was banned for 6 months once for doing 101mph on a deserted A road in scotland early on a nice january morning. The main reason for the ban was that little old ladys get frightened by motorbikes roaring by them. The judge was a little old lady. If little old ladys get frightened by this then they should not be qualified to drive. Im sorry but I have been beaten by the book of rules all my life and according to that book they are not fit to drive.
I have worked for race team Honda and i am very capable of driving bikes. im not a fat 40 year old who can now afford a bike and their mother cant stop them getting one now. I am 53 and have been driving hail rain and snow average 15 to 20 thousand miles a year since I was 16. I have never broke a bone in my body. None of this gets taken into account. I am tarred with the same brush as the rest of them. Its little old ladys that shouldnt be on the road that get all the consideration.
The road problem is easy to solve, make the test rediculously hard. I have done 3 resits and its too easy. Then I wont be growled at by motorists because I am not sitting in the line of traffic. I am filtering. Unlike the majority of bikers nowadays. If your going to sit in the traffic jam buy a car. stop getting me a bad name by being incapable. Years ago you needed a certain mentality to be a biker. You needed a minimum knowledge of mechanics or it wouldnt start. You needed to be able to drive it as it didnt handle or stop well. You had to be ingenious about staying warm and dry. Now you just need money.
Sorry for any offence. Please dont send the Polis. I will beat myself up on the way to the station and hand myself in.