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Injustice Situations
Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:03 pm
by AlanJ
Hi Guys,
On a recent post, supposedly about tyres/tires we got carried away about all sorts of subjects and (nice2day) Les mentioned we should use this off-topic
so I thought let's give it a go. I'll start it off with some thoughts that have been bothering me about Covid 19 and it concerns China and if this horrible pandemic started in China and for the reasons that have been said in the media, wet markets etc. then why is nothing being said about compensation from the Chinese government to the rest of the world. I doubt it possible to put
any price on the trauma this poor old world has been subjected to with this pandemic but I feel the Chinese Government should be more than humble under these circumstances.
Stay safe Alan.
Re: Injustice Situations
Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:58 pm
by Blurredman
It's my understanding that the Chinese have been eating all under the sun for many hundreds of years, bats included- so i'm surprised this hasn't happened before..
Or has it?
Re: Injustice Situations
Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:49 am
by AlanJ
Hi M,
What's more the point, why hasn't it? It gets you wondering doesn't it, whether it is anything to do with the wet markets. I will be surprised if we ever
know the truth about this pandemic.
Re: Injustice Situations
Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:06 am
by Puffs
Hmm, interesting.
First of all: do not believe Trump. One of the things he has claimed it that the Chinese have devised this virus in order to <fill in whatever you like>. Alternative reality.
Secondly: define 'truth'. Intuitively you may feel this is easy, but a good, comprehensive & specific definition is not so easy.
And then thirdly: proving that some party is guilty is yet another entirely different pair of socks. And while transfer may likely have happened on that market in Wuhan, it was almost certainly not intentional.
I think asking for a financial compensation is slightly odd & untenable. Btw, we're still waiting for compensation for the flu that killed 20 million, which originated in the US about a century ago (see the BBC documentary with that name).
Transfer happened before, and also after, a later one (involving mutation) was in Denmark (mink <-> human).
Re: Injustice Situations
Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:08 pm
my grandmother said do not eat raw fish or catfish
she cut the green onions roots off and cut them long ways with a razor knife
and washed them in vinegar
she cut the root eye out of lettuce and broke it up by hand and washed it in apple cider
and she showed me how to bake good Apple Pie
she said i liked apple pie tooo well to ever have to beg for it
make sure corn meal is food grade not animal feed
Re: Injustice Situations
Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:18 pm
by Guesi
The virus did not come from Chinas,it was spread by the extraterrestrieans...
This information comes from a very trustful source
Maybe they will pay some compensation in the future....
I will keep that in mind
Re: Injustice Situations
Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:41 pm
by AlanJ
Sorry Guesi, you might be a great guy, but i'm sticking with Dave's Grandmother and her apple pie.
Re: Injustice Situations
Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:05 am
by Puffs
No sir! Guesi is absolutely right, I saw it with my own eyes.
I actually still have two of them standing in my backyard. Particularly the little one is a true devil.
Re: Injustice Situations
Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:01 am
Have no fear .. 2 apples a day make them happy
at least the ones where i live can be bribed
Re: Injustice Situations
Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:33 pm
by JawasandMZs
A lion on the Masai Mara, however desperate it is, instinctively knows NOT to EVER eat the flesh of a dog.
You can't diss China. The PC brigade won't allow it. Which is a great bit of irony, China is the most un-PC country on earth!
Re: Injustice Situations
Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:40 am
by Puffs
I bribe 'm with old bread. They like it crunchy & dried out.
Funny thing: I taught the mother to first ask politely, and she does (Hihihi). The son, born last May, took that habit up immediately, from the moment he could speak! The dear devil. (
Tom, just 2 'facts'? I count 4 assertions there!
Re: Injustice Situations
Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:31 pm
by AlanJ
Hi Puffs,
What a storie, it is one that you have to keep going just to see if the ending is what you think it might be. Please don't do it again it took me best part of the afternoon to read it, thanks.
Re: Injustice Situations
Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:34 am
by Puffs
Yes, Russell is one of my favourites Alan.
Re: Injustice Situations
Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:14 am
by AlanJ
Hi Guys,
What I am about to mention affects a car more than a motorcycle but it does concern both vehicles. I don't think you have the same problem in US and
Europe but I am not sure about that. The subject is road humps/ sleeping policeman/speed restrictions. Just in case you guys don't have these they are raised
tarmac areas about just over a meter x 500mm and about 75mm high with sloping edges usually one in each lane with gaps between them for motorcycles and
because trucks and busses are fairly wide it doesn't affect them too much. driving over them in a car they are wide enough that one front and rear wheel must hit them. Now, coming from engineering in the auto industry and understanding that our road surfaces in rural areas are not always as they should be, I just can't understand why more people are not up in arms about these intrusions on our roads, because, if there was a hole about the same size and shape in the same quantity as there are humps there would be hell to pay. I say this because hitting these is very close to hitting a hole to the suspension of the vehicle, not what they are designed to do. I have asked the RAC and my local government rep for their thoughts on this subject and obviously got nowhere. When it comes to bikes
you can usually go between the humps and initially, the humps have a white leading edge which vanishes with time and weather and, at night if you don't know the area, then not good on a bike. What do you think?
Stay safe Alan.
Re: Injustice Situations
Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:28 am
by Blurredman
I presume you're talking about these:
You're right. Cars will always hit them, whether with just two wheels or four. We have some around where I live, and actually it can be less stress on the car to only go over the hump with one side of the wheels.
My main problem with them however is that they are not central to the lane, so when two cars are coming towards eachother adament that they want to straddle their hump equally, it is often an extremely close call for collision.
I hate these things very much, but I much prefer the full width speed hump/bumps.. These do not encourage cars to weave in and out (in order to hit the hump square) and proudly drive on the wrong side of the road when 'their' speed bump has cars parked on it. As for the bike, I like these little bumps.. I can sew quite nicely through them..
You should see these. They're just a few miles from where I live and often frequent the road.. 'fake' speed bumps ... d-16619511It was a 40, but was reduced to 30MPH and these things painted on the road.
As for the sight of these bumps, you're right, they're a lot more agressive than traditional full width speed humps. And the white paint does go. They're also slicker because they're not tarmaced, and also the angles themselves are straight lines with no natural curves up or over or down. They are however.... red.