bought a 97 kawi kx 500......I'm gonna order 17's and a front brake etc....... took it dirtin last sat in the rain on a technical crashes but stalled once....ever tried to kick start a half liter bike with a worn kick starter (goes beyond 90 degrees, my foot is beat) I have never been on a bike where I'm in third gear and give it some healthy throttle, the front tire lofts and the rear tire (brand new) spins so violently I saw god twice that mornin........I have got more respect for Phlat (he has a RM 125) you got to be in serious shape when you ride one of those things !!!!!! I will NEVER get rid of my Baggy..........

so Sean even If I had this big KX under control I could'nt handle those long enduro's you do.....although I will quite some OF MY BAD HABITS....maybe next year.... gotta go now and hit the hot tub, scotch and advil.... dang I'm gittin old......HAPPY JULY 4th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!