Traffic cops in the UK

Has anybody noticed how the standard/quality of Traffic Cop in the UK has slid down to a level where they dont deserve any respect anymore?
I used to see the traffic cops as a cut above the ordinary police, and have the greatest respect for them. However two officers I can and will name if anyone is interested from my town (Dunoon Argyll Scotland) went into court and perjured themselves to get me a six month ban and a £150 fine for something that never happened.
This means I cant work
so I signed on and got free glasses free dentist and paid my fine with tax payers money. Now the tax payer has to support me till my licence comes back. Meanwhile I will break the law by driving if I need to.
Good quality British police work.. Wheres the sense?. The police in this country have become the new gestapo.
No more respect for them. Or the courts. When did we lose our Police service and get a police force. There is a big difference between a police man (sworn to serve the public) and an enforcement officer (enforces the rules of a company) The courts and police are now registered profit and loss businesses. We dont have a fire force or an Ambulance force. Why do we have a police force and not a service. Why are we paying to be persecuted by a private company?.
Has anyone else had this or other bad treatment at the hands of the Justus (not justice anymore) system?.
anyway rant over dont let them get you down. Mick
Laws are for scared people mere mortals. Not immortals like me.
I used to see the traffic cops as a cut above the ordinary police, and have the greatest respect for them. However two officers I can and will name if anyone is interested from my town (Dunoon Argyll Scotland) went into court and perjured themselves to get me a six month ban and a £150 fine for something that never happened.

Good quality British police work.. Wheres the sense?. The police in this country have become the new gestapo.

No more respect for them. Or the courts. When did we lose our Police service and get a police force. There is a big difference between a police man (sworn to serve the public) and an enforcement officer (enforces the rules of a company) The courts and police are now registered profit and loss businesses. We dont have a fire force or an Ambulance force. Why do we have a police force and not a service. Why are we paying to be persecuted by a private company?.

Has anyone else had this or other bad treatment at the hands of the Justus (not justice anymore) system?.

anyway rant over dont let them get you down. Mick

Laws are for scared people mere mortals. Not immortals like me.