TS125 1985 £650 ono

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65, Brian

TS125 1985 £650 ono

Postby spooky » Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:41 pm

black pig.jpg
TS125 for sale, dirty old dog, scruffy but everything works, mot until Jan ? Honda indicators now fitted, no screen or top box, I might take off the carrier, but I might not, located in NE UK, 20 miles south of Newcastle, bike has a 150 top end I think, £650 ono be quick cos I will probably change my mind !! :D
RE classic 500, 1951 Terrot etd, 1970 Gilera Autostrada, Vespa T5 and the Black Pig !
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