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'03 Black Panther
Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:20 pm
by smr96
Don't really want to sell but have 3 bikes now and NEED to sell something!Friends say I have MMD (motorcycle mental disorder) Problem is I buy before selling what I already have! Bike is completely stock reduced height with 12,000km. Perfect condition. Bought new Aug.04 for $7000 otd. Asking $5800.
Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:00 pm
by keithcross
MMD, na I dont think so. If it were true then I would be diagnosed it as I have 4 bike to go with my sons 2 bikes.
My bikes are a 2002 Baghira street moto, a 1980 Suzuki TS 250 a 1990 1500 Goldwing and a 1981 1100 Goldwing in trials trim. My son has a 1980 Yamaha XT250 and a 1980 1100 goldwing.
My wife has even given the nod that I can extend the garage. This is really good as her car will still have to be parked outside.
parked outside
Sun Dec 19, 2004 4:01 pm
its probely good its outside (the car)
if i gets blocked inside
one of the bikes may come up missing
if she want's to go somewhere
ar dave
and your lucky most guys in the uk dont have any room on the property to make it bigger
Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:03 pm
by keithcross
You're right about the size of properties over here. I live in a 3 bedroom end terrace. For what you would have to pay for it over here (about £160,000 or $300,000 you could get a real nice place in the States. When I was over last year a friend brought a house in Cincinatti, 5 beds, smallish yard, double garage large basement etc for $85,000. Where I live, in a very small town that would just about by the garage. Even a 2 bed flat (apartment) is over $180,000 here.
I really cant understand my freinds in Cinci who want to live in the UK.
Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:14 pm
by calibellus
keithcross wrote:You're right about the size of properties over here. I live in a 3 bedroom end terrace. For what you would have to pay for it over here (about £160,000 or $300,000 you could get a real nice place in the States. When I was over last year a friend brought a house in Cincinatti, 5 beds, smallish yard, double garage large basement etc for $85,000. Where I live, in a very small town that would just about by the garage. Even a 2 bed flat (apartment) is over $180,000 here.
I really cant understand my freinds in Cinci who want to live in the UK.
Well, some of us live in places like the Bay Area. $180,000 for a 2 bedroom apartment sounds downright reasonable.
(On the other hand, it's sunny and in the 60s and the roads are dry. I spent 5 hours on my Tour yesterday. No complaints.
Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:45 pm
by keithcross
Dont forget you are also living in a city, or a real expensive area. Where I live is neither, its just a small town, 45 miles from London (2-3 hours by car and £3000 pre year for a season rail ticket).
Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:11 pm
by calibellus
Oh, sure. London would make even a Manhattanite's atrophied real-estate outrate organs trigger.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:30 am
by smr96
You do not qualify for MMD because you have bikes that are over 20yrs. old. This shows that when you like something you'll hang on to it. I have 6 bikes now and the OLDEST is an '03!!!!!!! And therein lies the problem. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Not a cloud in the sky and will probably get up to about 80 degrees today! No work today (floating holiday) so plan is dirt bike riding. If it makes you feel better it was about 47 degrees when I rode my bike home last night!
Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:18 am
by keithcross
Well the weather here is in the mid 50's and falling. Night time temps about the same as yours though. Temps for Xmas day predidcted at about or below freezing, so I guess no trying any new bits for a day or 2 after.
I'm not jealous of the temps you have in the day time, not a bit, not even a jot.
OK I am lucky blighter.
Real Estate ?
Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:25 pm
by TREX2000
$180.000 for a 2/2 ?? no bad !
In Miami for that money you get only a TOUR of a 1/1 ! LOL !
And if from the balcony you see sea, forgheddaboutit, we're talking pretty pennies !
I stick to my townhome in Pompano Beach, Fl, 3/2.5 and a garage just for my bike.
Ciao, y'all
Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:20 am
by keithcross
Just for fun, search the web for property in cenral London.