Missing Posts

Word from the Administrator

Missing Posts

Postby borisattva » Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:26 pm

Dear fellow MZ Riders,

As some of you have noticed there was a significant chunk of posts disappearing from the board on the 31AUG2006.

I have confirmed with my hosting provider that this was a result of a major overhault on the backbone of their system. They had extensive upgrades in php and database among other things. As a result some of the db and forum code seized to function due to forward compatibility issues, and had to be removed. Back ups are available, but they are unuseable with the new system (otherwise the transition would have been seemless to us).

The loss of content is undeniably upsetting; however the providers upgrade was unavoidable.

In the Good News department, it looks like the phpbb3 (successor of phpbb2 that we use now) is coming up very nicely.
Among improvements is a more effecient gallery and file attachment engine, as well as the Article component that will make documents like How-Tos and Parts Compatibility easier to create and browse (read: back up and made available offline). The board is in Beta2 stage now, and i anticipate it becoming stable enough for upgrade in the next 2-3 months or so.

Our little board survived MZ's pull out of the US, and hopefully it will survive this dump in the road as well.

As always, I'm open to member suggestions, be it regarding lay out or functionality of the board, both mod and software package wise.

Thank you all for the membership and contribution to our site.

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Site Admin
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