Conversion to phpBB3

Word from the Administrator

Conversion to phpBB3

Postby borisattva » Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:58 pm

Dear members,

As you may have noticed, the board has been down sporadically over the past couple of days.

This was for 2 reasons:

1. Our bulletin board is being converted into the new version of its software (phpBB3).

2. All inactive users created over the past year have been deleted (almost 4000 of them). This was necessary due to an enormously high traffic of spammer registrants and the conversion process. If you had referred any friends to register on our board during that time, please have them register again at There is a new mechanism in place that should prevent spam registrants, thus manual activation by me will no longer be required.

The old version is still available for viewing at However, all original posts, attachments and images have been transfered over into the new board and should be available accordingly.

Please do NOT make any new posts in the old system as they will not be transferred over to the new one.

Two additional changes that will take place on this board in the coming week:

1. Creation of the main 'Portal' page, as present on the old system.
2. Acquisition of a Theme Appareance/Skin to replace the default one as currently seen.

Any comments or suggestions about matters above, as well as any issues encountered on the new board should be posted as a reply to this announcement.

Thank you all for your continued participation in our unique community.
- admin
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