Anyway, I've joined because I have just become the proud owner of a 1977 TS250/1 with a collapsed output shaft bearing & siezed piston (straight swop for the rotting remains of a '76 Triumph Dolomite). Apart from these problems it looks a nice, original bike & has the old handbook with 2 "posters" of the engine and carb, as well as the original logbook & all keys.
This being the case I'm planning on just cleaning up & painting the frame, checking the electrics & fixing that gearbox issue. (already un-siezed the engine, it was just gummed up through years of dry storage & although it sports a .5 oversize piston, both this and barrel appear in excellent condition.) and riding around for a while before considering a more extensive refurb.
I'm going to stop typing and start reading now, otherwise I'll just be here all night!