What's happening at the MZ factory?

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What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby zedhead » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:33 am

Hi all, does anyone have any ideas about what's going on over at MZ? Seems a bit quiet over there......
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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:01 pm

the market for bikes sold in the usa is very weak so there probably NOT in the office making
big plans to ship us any new models

and at the current exchange rates it would be a better idea to build them in the usa and ship them to Europe

dealer ships in the usa are closing daily and some have been at it for many years
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby IlPrincipeBrutto » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:37 pm

Hi zedhead,

according to the website they are attending a few motor shows in Germany, it seems to be the season for this sort of things. They have also revamped their 125 supermonos with some new liveries, I've seen press releases about this in a couple of places.
On the other hand, I can't find any news about development or any kind of activity for bigger bikes.
Over here in the UK the new importer/parts distributor seems to have started very well and with enthusiasm, at the very least this seems a good sign for those (like me) who bought an MZ.
In the US my guess is that the situation must be far harder, after the pull-out of a couple of years ago I think the brand must be still quite tarnished.

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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:21 pm

tarnished does not quite express it in the USA

i have been riding MZ since 2002 and had known of the brand since the 60's
even motorcycle riders with many years riding do not know of the brand

and i had a big problem with the DMV in my state getting mine reg..
took them 3 times to get paper work correct.... first time it came back as a moto guzzi
when i sent in for the rt rt125 :(
the saxon tour even draws a a gang of lookers from the ama staff when i visit the museum
as they have never seen the rotax motor on a street bike just flat track racers
until the exchange rate drops or they figure out how to make them real cheap owning one in the usa is
stock on hand as importing one is ???? who wants a 5,500 dollar 125sm
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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of everything"
"I like the road less traveled if it's PAVED!"
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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby dbates » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:31 am

In this I will try to summarize what I know from published documents and press statements only. I will start by saying I do not have inside information or knowledge of any investor or a vested interest beyond the great enjoyment of the MZ brand and motorcyle in all its forms.
1. Hong leong appear to have entered an agreement to sell in august of 2007 and have taken a hit of 54 million ringgits (16 million us dollars) 8 million pounds.
From the hong leong industies annual report for 2007
MZ motorcycle and Zweiradwerk
GmbH had, on 21 August 2007, entered into an agreement with Ltd. had, on 21 August 2007, entered into an agreement with
MZ Motorrad- und Zweiradwerk Inc. Niederlassung Zschopau MZ motorcycle and Zweiradwerk Inc. Zschopau
(“Buyer”) to dispose of all of its assets (other than its land and ( "Buyer") to dispose of all of its assets (other than its land and
building) and certain of its liabilities to the Buyer (“Proposed Building) and certain of its liabilities to the buyer ( "Proposed
Disposal”). Disposal "). Upon completion of the Proposed Disposal, MZ Upon completion of the Proposed Disposal, MZ
Motorrad Sdn Bhd will continue its operation under a licensing Motor Sdn Bhd will continue its operation under a licensing
agreement with the Buyer. Agreement with the Buyer. Consequent to this impending Consequent to this impending
change, the Group has taken an impairment of RM54.4 million Change, the Group has taken an impairment of RM54.4 million
on MZ’s assets, and the Group does not expect any further On MZ's assets, and the Group does not expect any further
losses in its investment in MZ operation. Losses in its investment in MZ operation.
link: Http://announcements.bursamalaysia.com/ ... 7002e5502/ $ FILE/HLIND-AnnualReport2007% 20 (2.1MB). Pdf
page 14 you may have to fiddle with the link or search the malaysia bourse site for the report but it is there and published

A company has appeared listed in florida with the name and address of MZ in germany in september 2007
Link: http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.ex ... ling_type=
The names apparently known MZ employees as directors and has a stated capital of 45000 us dollars

In feb 2008 a report came out in http://www.kfzbetrieb.de/news/kb_beitrag_5753617.html that states MZ is still 100% owned by Hong leong (translation follows) blame google

This message was MZ, for the first time in a long time a sign of life. Im vergangenen Jahr waren Spekulationen über eine mögliche Übernahme des Traditionsherstellers durch Investoren aufgekommen und von MZ-Seite unkommentiert geblieben. In the past year, speculation about a possible takeover of the traditional manufacturer by investors arisen and MZ-page uncommented remained. Im Gespräch mit der Fachzeitschrift »bike und business« sagte Vertriebsleiter Bodo Lingath nun, dass es keine Änderung der Besitzverhältnisse gegeben hat. In an interview with the trade journal "bike and business" said sales manager Bodo Lingath now that there is no change in ownership has been made. Nach wie vor sei das Werk eine 100-Prozent-Tochter des malaysischen Mischkonzerns Hong Leong. Still, the work is a 100-percent subsidiary of the Malaysian conglomerate Hong Leong.

Nach dem letzten Personalabbau Ende 2006 arbeiten noch etwa 50 Mitarbeiter im Hohndorfer Werk. After the recent staff reductions at the end of 2006 to work for about 50 employees in Hohndorfer work. Dieses schreibt laut Bodo Lingath allerdings seit Mitte 2007 schwarze Zahlen im operativen Geschäft. This requires, according to Bodo Lingath but since mid-2007 black figures in business operations. MZ unterhält keine eigene Entwicklungsabteilung mehr, deshalb arbeitet ein externer Dienstleister derzeit daran, die 1000er-Baureihe nach der Abgasnorm Euro 3 zu zertifizieren. MZ has no own development department more, therefore, an external service provider on making the 1000 series after the Euro 3 emission standards to be certified. Die erfolgreiche 125er-Modellpalette hat diesen Schritt bereits absolviert. The successful 125 model range has already completed this step.

If people choose to jump to conclusions they should only do so armed with some facts

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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby dbates » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:12 am

It has been announced to the staff and dealers that the MZ factory in Zschopau will close on Dec. 31 2008

A copy of the letter (in german) can be viewed herehttp://www.banditforum.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=286570

A email on the german 1000s forum has confirmed that the negociations with german investors fell through as the local saxony development bank would not support the new investors.
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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby IlPrincipeBrutto » Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:53 am

Terrible news for all the people who worked there, although I'm sure they were not surprised.

For us owners, especially of rare models like my 1000 S, life is going to get very difficult.

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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby LWS66 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:31 pm

As far as the US market goes (regarding the MZ1000S) it will be tough for sure. After they shut down, who will we be dealing with then for parts? Malaysians??? Good God I hope not!! I'm sure there will be much talk about who takes over the spares, and that could either be a good thing, or an abomination. I know of the two top MZ dealers in Germany, if they have the coin to purchase the spares (or the desire) that would be a positive step, I would'nt worry then. But if it's anything like what Laverda owners went through when they were shut down (even though Aprilia owned the brand and the spares, their ability to deal with the Laverda parts was non-existant), you'll just about have to throw these bikes over a cliff and just walk away, take your lumps and move on! If I won the Lottery Powerball I believe I would look into buying MZ!!!!! Would be cool!!:roll:
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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:56 pm

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Re: What's happening at the MZ factory?

Postby DirtGrinder666 » Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:00 am

It is very true that MZ is dead... in my place, Malaysia... factory + service centers have been closed down (soon to be closed = MZ Zschopau) and we’re dealing with price increase of leftover spare parts which some still remain in some workshops around the town...

I’ve spoked to few of ex MZ Malaysia mechanics and administration people back in the service center (just a month before they are closing down) and they claimed it’s a true statement and not forget to mention they’ve lost their job!

Here, due to parts price increased too high from few months ago and unreasonable price of some engine’s part (one way bearing, clutch plate etc…) few of MZ bikes owner started to modified a bit the chassis and their engines by changing it 100% to a Japanese engines like Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki …some Korean engine known as Hyosung etc.. I myself owned a MZ 125 SM and a MZ RX Mosqito scooter…

I’m now in progress to swap my engine with a Kawasaki D-Tracker (KLX) 250cc for my 125SM… with half of the price of MZ I could already get a much more powerful + more hp with a cheaper price…

I will always miss the sounds of MZ’s engine which does really-really differ from other bike manufacturers…
Well… anybody here got any other ideas how to handle this kind of situation: NO MORE SPARE PARTS produced???
-STOCKBIKERS if you know what i mean-
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