ROWRACIN - this week

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ROWRACIN - this week

Postby oldboyonrgv » Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:03 am

Two dates set for this week.

Wednesday we are going to TONYMOTO nr Winchester for a days practice, we have some stuff to try out and some technique changes for Row, although the weather looks a bit dodgy.

Sunday we are Racing at TONYMOTO, looks like I will miss out on MOTOGP and BSB :( I am in two minds about which one to set the video for !!
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Postby phlat65 » Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:40 pm

speaking of racing, I raced the first enduro I have ridden in 3 years sunday. It was the perfect event! It has been raining all week. I got out there saturday night about 9, and it started raining real hard then, all night, and all through the event. I signed up on minute 15 so I could stay out of the way of all the pros, but not get caught behind the slower classes. It was knarly!!!!!! I was completely soaked through within 2 miles, and I had full rain gear on! at 40 degres F, it got to be a bit chilly. the club that runs this event likes to use lots of virgin trail, so most of it was pretty rutted even by the time I got there (30th rider through). I dropped a point in the first 10 mile test, and another point in the second test. Then I clipped a tree pretty hard, and broke my clutch perch, and the cable started binding. I could only pull the clutch in with 4 fingers, and if anybody has riden a 125 2-stroke on the woods knows this is really tough! At about mile 40, the fatigue set in, ( I have't ridden more than 40 miles in a year, and only rode the dirt bike 4 times last year), and without a clutch it became a serios challenge. I dropped 3 in the next test, zeroed the next 2, then another 3, a 1, and a 3 in the last test. ofter 78 miles, 5 1\2 hours of racing, I ended up 14th overall (140 or so riders), and 2nd in the Vet Expert class. I lost 1st place by 31 seconds.... if only......
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