In Spring a (not so) young man's fancy

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In Spring a (not so) young man's fancy

Postby dickl » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:22 am

In this case, turn to thoughts of riding the bikes again....since I retired from work, I seem to have so much to do around the house and garden that I don't ride the bikes nearly as much as I used to. In fact, this winter for the first time ever all three were SORNd. After earning some brownie points with the chain saw in the garden, I ventured into the garage.....I deceided that the first job was to reassemble the "project" BMW K75S, get it through an MOT and sell it as I will never have the time to finish the very over optimistic restoration project I had considered. Long story cut short. K75 reassembled, speedo still not working, but it passed the MOT with no issues!! It is now for sale complete with liggage and spare engine/gear box etc etc. More details in the for sale section or possible Gumtree. I then turned to the Replika, which had a bit of a sulk at having been ignored for so long, but after a quick sqiurt of WD40 to loosen the choke and some new fuel and carb cleaner in the tank, started and ticked over beautifully. I still think this bike is REALLY pretty to look at (as well as a complete hoot to ride obviously!). I have booked my ferry tickets for France for another visit to the Coupes Moto Legends - see previous posts, and have entered into negotiations for more ride outs over the coming months.MOT for the Replika next and then......
Just a thought, anyone got a Traveller against which they they would like to PX a K75 (it's just a 3 cylinder Traveller really!!)
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Re: In Spring a (not so) young man's fancy

Postby Nobog » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:14 pm


If you would please be so kind to explain the "MOT". There is no such thing - at least in our part of the USA (Minnesota/Wisconsin). If it runs you're good to go! Rust? that's ok, actually with all the road salt if its not rusted at some point you simply don't drive it in the winter. Loud exhaust? that's great! we don't care, its better to look cool. Records? no one keeps maintenance records.

Love watch Wheeler Dealers as they try to get their latest repair past MOT

If the MOT is what I think it is, it sounds like the government has way to much time on their hands :)


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Re: In Spring a (not so) young man's fancy

Postby basser23 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:52 am

Ministry of Transport inspection.annual, vehicle condition,safety UK
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Re: In Spring a (not so) young man's fancy

Postby billr » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:54 pm

A K75S and a Replica...ggrrrr.... :-D
Admired both over the years.
Sounds like you have a fun summer on hand.

As far a MOT inspections...I sometimes wish we had something like that in Tennessee...especially when I pass a car with one headlight, no working tail lights and baling wire holding the exhaust and duct tape on the side mirrors... :lol:
We do have a state inspection in Mississippi (where I grew up)...kick the tires, light the fires, do all the lights problems, unless you go to "Uncle Ted's Quickie Inspection Station"...he makes all his cash on the "needed repairs" to pass inspection...Johnson rods, headlight all know the drill... :wink: :lol:
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Re: In Spring a (not so) young man's fancy

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:10 pm

inspection is here in wv its that once a year trip to the VW Dealer
where you are relieved of most if not all of your cash
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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