Why will it be difficult to achieve business goals this year

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Why will it be difficult to achieve business goals this year

Postby mostakimvip05 » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:04 am

There are still 9 weeks until the end of the year . And that's even the most important weeks, when a whole bunch of sales activities take place: Halloween, Black Friday, Santa Claus discounts, Merry December, Christmas promotions, New Year's promotions... It is the last quarter of the year that makes the difference in achieving the set goals for many companies . There are a lot of opportunities until the end of the year. The only question is whether you have a good plan and the capacity to take advantage of them.

This year, economic growth is forecast to be extremely low , much lower than in previous years, with the exception of 2020. Many companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, do not know at this moment whether they will end the year with a loss or whether they may even record growth. Many companies see a dark scenario, but still hope that activities in the last quarter will make a significant difference.

Why is this so?
Many companies planned for this year similar growth to last year and planned an appropriate budget and related activities to support this . Many companies made plans even under the guise of exceptional results during the Covid period, when priorities and activities were quite different.

Given the normalization of life after Covid this year, they are now finding that expectations for this year were overly optimistic. In addition, the teeth of the rising cost of living and the increasing halting and withdrawal of planned investments have also shown their teeth.

In last year's planning, companies (un)intentionally forgot to pay attention to developments in Western markets and situations that come to us with a few months' delay. There, they had a decline in sales at the end of last year, but it was not noticeable in our country during that time period. The first quarter of this year was successful for many companies in Slovenia, for some the entire first half costa rica telegram data of the year was successful. Trends from the West came to us by industry and gradually. Despite the fact that many companies are currently facing major challenges in sales , there is no general reduction in advertising budgets yet. However, there is definitely caution and calculation in every activity. Regular activities continue to take place. Budgets that were intended for additional activities are mostly frozen. Many non-essential activities have been canceled and major moves postponed for a quarter or two.

Will Black Friday this year make a significant contribution to achieving annual goals?
The above indicators, combined with the forecast of weaker economic growth in the coming year, will have a major impact on this year's business results . I am eagerly awaiting the activities around Black Friday , which will be a clear indicator of the current state of the market and will give a hint about marketing developments until the end of the year. One possible scenario is that the activities around Black Friday will be the last big attempt for some companies to boost sales before the end of the year. As they say across the pond: a “make it or break it” moment.

Another scenario that is equally possible is a significantly lower saturation of advertising space for Black Friday than in previous years, reducing advertising budgets in order to prevent additional losses by the end of the year and hoping to stretch the budget until the end of the year and allow for a constant presence.

Given that in Slovenia, very few companies opt for extremely high discounts on Black Friday, I sometimes have doubts about what an individual company can expect from Black Friday in such a saturated space. But then, every year, I am surprised by the willingness to buy and the sheer wastefulness of the audience , which ultimately brings good sales results.

This year's business results will present a challenge for many, but also an opportunity for thoughtful planning for the coming year. Conservative planning is an excellent choice for those who want stability and security . However, for those who want to achieve a real breakthrough, it requires some bold steps, agility and financial investments. Promising opportunities are expected for those who dare to step out of their comfort zone. The question remains, who will be among them?
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