Hi there,just thought i'd introduce myself as a new 'baggie' owner. Been running a 93 bm r1100rs with 73k miles up and running a treat and just perfect for my many jaunts to the isle of skye from yorkshire but too lardy for my 20ml commute over the pennine b roads.so,for once in my life i can afford two bikes( the rs is staying!). After much research it came down to a duke 2,too nickable,a yam 660x,not keen on the fuel injection issues,or the baggie.Now i have a soft spot for mz's,my mate sold me a ts 251 some twelve years ago which got me back into bikes after the usual lay off,you know the drill,marriage,mortgage,kids etc. So i've just bought a 04 black panther with 2500mls showing and take delivery this week,can't wait.To hell with cold hands,this should put the fun back into my commute! As a footnote this is just the stocking filler cos on the same day i also bought a house on Skye,wot a christmas! It's a good life, Regards