mz newbie

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mz newbie

Postby dozzyd » Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:06 am

Hi there,just thought i'd introduce myself as a new 'baggie' owner. Been running a 93 bm r1100rs with 73k miles up and running a treat and just perfect for my many jaunts to the isle of skye from yorkshire but too lardy for my 20ml commute over the pennine b,for once in my life i can afford two bikes( the rs is staying!). After much research it came down to a duke 2,too nickable,a yam 660x,not keen on the fuel injection issues,or the baggie.Now i have a soft spot for mz's,my mate sold me a ts 251 some twelve years ago which got me back into bikes after the usual lay off,you know the drill,marriage,mortgage,kids etc. So i've just bought a 04 black panther with 2500mls showing and take delivery this week,can't wait.To hell with cold hands,this should put the fun back into my commute! As a footnote this is just the stocking filler cos on the same day i also bought a house on Skye,wot a christmas! It's a good life, Regards :lol:
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:43 am

Re: mz newbie

Postby Garf » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:00 pm

You werent the guy on the telly show tossing up whether to buy a house in Cyprus or Skye were you ?
Bike and a new house .....I bet you are chuffed.

The MZ is a great bike. Welcome to the forum.

HR Black Panther
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Re: mz newbie

Postby dozzyd » Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:08 am

Hi garf,thanks for the welcome.No it was'nt me on the telly,tho we did consider contacting one of those programmes cos the whole process of buying in scotland is not quite as fair as we seem to think it is! We plan to retire up there when i retire from the fire service in six years time,much better quality of life and biking/fishing heaven,be sad to leave Yorkshire tho but the traffic is driving me nuts! imagine what it must be like down south! Do you know of a decent shop/site where i can get bits/servicing ? Regards, Ian
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:43 am

Re: mz newbie

Postby Garf » Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:13 am

Sounds like a good plan mate.

Mentioned in other posts on this site are the main UK contact for MZ parts in the UK. Also try especially if you want to add some pep to the performance. Womkmeister off this site works there. Your local KTM dealer should be able to supply some bits like levers, air filter and parts for the forks. Yamaha dealer for any engine parts, service items, CDI etc.

Its not as simple as owning a Honyamasakihusakatoosh but it isnt really difficult.

Enjoy your ownership !!

HR Black Panther
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Re: mz newbie

Postby dozzyd » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:18 pm

Thanks garf,my good luck continues,my local bike shop,Appleyards,are KTM and Yamaha dealers,how handy is that ! Regards
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:43 am

Re: mz newbie

Postby phlat65 » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:58 pm

welcome!! FYI, plenty of stator output for grip heaters :twisted: I run a set of grip heaters, and 2 35w driving lights with no issues.
2001 MZ Black Panther
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