is it worth buying a 2nd hand mz sm125? as parts are so rare

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is it worth buying a 2nd hand mz sm125? as parts are so rare

Postby i10001000 » Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:44 pm

hi new member , am really into mz quality and like to get one but was just wondering about if somethings goes wrong and have spent hours trawling for lists of spare parts and if everyone is relying on one guy in uk then thats quite a bottleneck!

i know there is mz-pieces website too but seriously folks its probably better to just get a bike with lots of spares for it

i'm just after a reliable bike and could even go down the commuting cg125 route for reliability

if i can mail order any part for mz sm then not so bad but not too pricy

thanks for any ideas

am welsh biker too
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Re: is it worth buying a 2nd hand mz sm125? as parts are so rare

Postby Jamie » Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:18 pm

I got one, they are reliable, but it would not hurt to get a donor.
Grahams of Taunton are really good at getting the parts out super quick, but once you get the thing running there is little you need to do, that's what i have found anyway.

I had to get a donor, as the head on the original had a problem, paid £70 for complete engine, which i have not had to use, apart from the head, but useful to know that its there just in case.
The do come up on ebay occassionally, but i seem to remember a rumour that the factory may begin producing again soon, no doubt some of the other readers can confirm this.

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