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Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:46 am
by cam
Hi Guys - If MCN is to believed the factory is now a night club. Can anyone shed any light on the subject?
Re: Factory
Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:16 am
by dbates
Yes I think that is true in a certain respect. The original MZ Factory closer to town is a club I believe and has been a number of things since it closed and MZ moved to the newer factory up the road in horndorf.
The old paint shop seems to be a bowling alley.
What will become of the new building only time will tell but at least 8-10 people are still there working on spare parts delivery and warranty claims.
Re: Factory
Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:27 pm
by johnny2tents
Latest News - Factory to remain open until April.
Re: Factory
Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:19 pm
by cam
Hi J2T - thanks for the info, but does anyone else find this wall of silence from MZ unforgivable??. There are many devoted owners of new and classic machines that deserve more information from the company themselves, The websites are still up as though nothing was wrong and not a hint of what's happened or what may yet happen has been put out through the official website. Why is it that everyone has been left guessing and scrabbling around for information and sifting through rumours to get at the truth. I would of hoped that the many years of loyalty shown by MZ fans everywhere deserved a more "open" update from MZ management themselves. Hey Ho thats the way of business these days - I hope the name of MZ doesn't dissapear for good and re emerges some time soon.
Re: Factory
Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:00 pm
like i said about 5 years ago they know how to build nice bikes but still slow on the learning curve as to how to sell them
Re: Factory
Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:16 pm
by djsbriscoe
Grahams motorcycles probably has more information about this. The last time I asked them about the status of MZ (before Christmas 2008) they said that they need to stay open in order to supply spare parts. Parts have to be supplied for up to 7 years by EU law, but they don't necessarily have to supply parts from a large factory.
Maybe someone should ask Grahams what the situation is.
Re: Factory
Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:13 am
by johnny2tents
Hi Chaps,
My info came from an MZ Section newsletter. Fred Rogers still is in regular contact with the factory.
When I last spoke to Grahams and ordered my spare relays and pencil coil/air filters, they said not to panic and mentioned the '10 year rule'.
Below part of the section newsletter.
I asked Fred about the Mz factory, he mentioned Audi were one of the interested parties who had expressed interest in buying the factory.
It turns out the Audi trade mark composed of 4 rings joined together, they are given to represent Mz and DKW as 2 of the partners in better times.
The final date is not until April before decisions will have to be made, the end of 2008 was a piece of false reporting, media glorification as usual.
Perhaps there is still a chance the factory will continue to produce bikes; at the moment, spares for the current range of 4 strokes are still available from the factory.