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fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:55 pm
by tomtom
Is it possible to use a universal obd fault code reader and just read off any fault codes by consulting the workshop manual which lists most of the codes.
I know that the genuine MZ workshop item actia fr2000 has an attatched memory stick! with additional works info.
I 'm assuming that the universal reader will read a fault code from within the mz ecu , as the obd connectors are standard items and not specific to a certain make of bike?
On ebay there is masses of readers at reasonable prices.Since its only the ability to read the code that's required, i think they may work?

Any bright ideas from anyone or am i being too simplistic here. :shock:

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:45 pm
by GED
HI TOM ,must be phsycic,i was going to post exactly the same ,obviously u know my problems ,which means i to need a fault code reader ,but the $64000 question is which one ,what is compatible ,ive just been looking on the net found this but not sure its suitable ,ive emailed actia and johnny 2t said hell phone them ,thing is ive seen fcr for 30 quid and ive seen them for 2500 quid ,,ive also emailed a few companys and they said nothing compatible for mz ,but then again do they know what an mz is , ... per-EXPERT

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:21 pm
by tomtom
The bike has a obd or obII reader which must conform to certain standards.So german efficiency being what it is it will conform to the international specs for the relevant obd regs.

If you try to buy an actia 2000 it will only have mz info in it if it is programmed into it either directly or via stick etc. Software is only dear because we're conned into believing we need the official manufacturer's stuff. Most of the stuff is made in china anyway.

So the actia will still read the fault codes, but most people don't know what they mean, but you've got the workshop manual which shows what the codes are. :idea:

So why not buy a cheap obdII reader for about £30 off ebay. It's only going to interrogate the ecu and read back any fault code as a number. Obviously the mz one has additional software for tuning and making adjustments , but thats just software which at the moment you don't need.

I'm not a techno wizard but i think i'll waste £30 on ebay and give it a go, and if it works i can buy a better cheaper gizmo. The reason ,as you say when you make an enquiry about an Mz is simply because most have on the obd flash memory some data for say ford,volkwagen etc not an MZ. THE CODE BOOK IS THE MANUAL SURELY?
If it doen't work how many sf or s owners would be willing to chip in and buy a tool to share, after all it's not something you'd use everyday and would cost peanuts to post to one another on a self hire basis.

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:24 pm
by tomtom
I was looking at this ... otohosting

u-flag-480.jpg (51.87 KiB) Viewed 14551 times

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:31 pm
by GED
tom maybe a noob q but are all codes the same ie lets say p001 read from a volvo ecu would it be the same as a mz p001code
what im trying to say is do u need the software to read mz codes

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:47 pm
by tomtom
Don't know, no doubt some one's reading this and going this guys a p****

I think there is different kinds of obd "protocol" which is why some may not work with the bike. (getting the obd to talk to the ecu)

I'll bet the original ecu has a part code on it and was probably bought off the shelf by mz. Get the number and type it in on the web and see what you get.
I tried this with other pencil coils and found out that they were made in germany and fitted another make of bike. A lot of the parts will just be generic components labeled mz.

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:52 pm
by boilermaker
To All
I do not know whether you have read my previous thread on the subject of fault code readers but when I contacted Actia they stated that they did not sell to individuals and when I contacted MZ they made the same statement. I think the answer is to find out which fault code reader is used by Triumph dealers to run diagnostics on the same Sagem ECU as is fitted to the MZ.

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:01 am
by johnny2tents
Hi Boilermaker,

The Actia site shows the Actia FR 2000 with the TRIUMPH logo on the case.
As suggested we can probably only read codes at the present and cross ref the codes and descriptions in the workshop manual. For this task any number of hand helds should work.
It sounds as though we need to source and copy the mz official memory stick. The memory stick might however just hold
the fault reason code descriptions that are in the manual. I would suggest that these issues could have been already been looked at by German owners?
My schoolboy German gets me by at the Munich Beer Festival but I struggle a bit on the MZ parts/services dealer sites where there are all sorts of 'goodies' including different fuel maps.
Maybe contacting the German MZ club would be useful. Someone there must have cloned the MZ memory stick or produced their own from scratch by now. I will make enquiries.
Alternatively we could talk to Grahams who could officially buy a second? Actia unit and send this around the 1000 community in the UK by post/courier on request sort of thing. We are going to be buying the spares from them anyway.
I know that diagnostics/new mapping kit was doing the rounds of dealers in 2008, but this may all have been orchestrated through Grahams. Did all the kit go back somewhere when dealers changed franchise/closed down in 2008?
I propose to get some answers/make contacts at the Stafford Show.
Across the water just now, and am off up to Carrick on Shannon in the brilliant sunshine on the bike, for a large cream cake and some more bike chat!
I will shut up now and wait for a Eureka moment or even an Ulrika moment!

Cheers J2T

PS Re Ged how do you get your bike on the stand (and the quick witted TomTom!) too late now for April even if you are a club member.
If you do want/need to sell your bike, details can be left at the club stand, but my advice would be to ride it through the great summer we are going to have.

Cheers J2T

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:40 pm
by tomtom
Any luck with your bike ged?

I've ordered one of those cheap readers to see if it works. If the connector fits the bike i'll remove a relay or something to try and get a fault code.
I'll let you know how i get on.

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:47 pm
by GED
bikes being collected friday 1600hrs ,delivered to grahams 1000hrs monday ,hopfully it wont be too serious ,ive not got a great deal of money .200 quid for the coils and another 200 for the transport ,thats b4 grahams bill :shock: anyhow i saw this on ebay ,it took my eye as it covers all protocols and as i dont know which protocols mz use i thought it would be ok ... 0375830189

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:56 pm
by tomtom
looks better than the item i've ordered, lets hope one of them works.
You should have called out the rac and said you've broken down and need to get back to Devon or wherever Grahams are. There actually quite good at it :mrgreen:

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:56 am
by tomtom
Hi Ged,
Got the cheap fault code reader this morning. The fault code book manual with the reader is exactly the same fault codes as listed in the MZ workshop manual.
So that's good? If the connector pins on the reader are compatible with the MZ we might get some results. :lol:

At least it proves that the mz workshop manual is just using standard international protocols (fancy words) to interrogate the onboard ecu. Hopefully it wil enable us diy mechanics to service our bikes.

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:25 am
by johnny2tents
Hi All,
Well done TomTom.
I have voted with my debit card and just sent for the system highlighted by Ged. Will let you know how I get on.
On the MZ dealer site (see yesterday) there are a variety of fuel maps for 'standard/ 2 into 2' and the racing 2 into 1 exhaust for those investigating bhp increases.
Up to 129/130 bhp is quoted and 125 from a 2 into 2 exhaust. (I know that our American members are looking at this matter too) From the blurb, there seem to be alternative Lambda sensors too for use with these performance maps. (perhaps they help optimize performance rather than encourage lean burning for emisions?)
Also on the site is a picture of an exhaust gas analyser in use. Will attempt to 'vacuum up' all the facts with a German colleague at work!
Whether Grahams would supply it or not, the official factory sourced Diagnostic System is listed at around £1600 in their parts list. Apols for going slightly off topic. J2T

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:12 am
by tomtom
Good news.
It works! :smt005

Was able to read an old fault code and erase and then do a rescan. The reader i got was pretty basic as it only has a led screen and no software, but is small enough to stuff under the seat. Mine won't read vin information, air con (meant for car) and some other parameters.

I'll need to work out how to try to imitate a fault to get a faulty code reading (any help appreciated)

the obd connector is just a push fit onto the frame on the nearside of the bike next to the ecu. It's not clipped on just inserted into the frame.
I'd recommend blanking the pins off with a polybag and elastic band or similar as they are open to corrosion.
I'll try and post some pics

I think the better readers that use a laptop will probably glean more info, but at least we're going in the right direction. :arrow:
Obviously you get what you pay for.

Re: fault code reader

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:45 am
by tomtom
pics of obd location

fault shown on reader is fault 01 which was after i had cleared an old fault code and indicated fuel regulator valve open,(something like that as i don't have the manual in front of me)

which i think was ok as the system was with the key in the ignition to on but not firing the engine.

Finger pointing isthe obd connection . Its just pushed down onto the frame . No clips!

Hopefully those of you with the sofware version will get more results. I think it was worth the money to find out.