fault code reader

Is it possible to use a universal obd fault code reader and just read off any fault codes by consulting the workshop manual which lists most of the codes.
I know that the genuine MZ workshop item actia fr2000 has an attatched memory stick! with additional works info.
I 'm assuming that the universal reader will read a fault code from within the mz ecu , as the obd connectors are standard items and not specific to a certain make of bike?
On ebay there is masses of readers at reasonable prices.Since its only the ability to read the code that's required, i think they may work?
Any bright ideas from anyone or am i being too simplistic here.
I know that the genuine MZ workshop item actia fr2000 has an attatched memory stick! with additional works info.
I 'm assuming that the universal reader will read a fault code from within the mz ecu , as the obd connectors are standard items and not specific to a certain make of bike?
On ebay there is masses of readers at reasonable prices.Since its only the ability to read the code that's required, i think they may work?
Any bright ideas from anyone or am i being too simplistic here.