baghira petcock fuel tap

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baghira petcock fuel tap

Postby den » Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:27 pm

so i thought i would post my findings for you to consider.
I let the tank dry out( son stole my petrol for his moped ) and upon refueling i notice the petrol was just a dribble
in the ON position yet ok on the reserve position,I naturally thought the gauze was blocked so as i've done some mods in the carbs i thought i would do a service,
Well the gauze wasn't blocked, i figured it was an air lock but as i read somewhere here its a good idea to drill out the
petcock to maximize flow i thought i would give it a go,,
so first of all the gauze tube is threaded so dont just pull it?,
undo the screws holding the tap on and dismantle,,use a little flat screwdriver to pull the rubber disc seal,
now unscrew the gauze and pull out the plastic tubing,,
Find a drill that fits the biggest of the two holes,,this is your base size,,drill this hole to clean it out
and now drill the opposite hole to widen it,(its smaller).The same drill should be used to slightly widen the main fuel
output tube as well,as a guide look at the three smaller holes to see how far your drill is traveling..
Don't overdrill, replacements are £18.
i noticed with mine that it DID need doing and now i have at leaset %30 better flow
the moulding process had left burrs close to the bottom on the tubes/holes
when i filled the tank with petrol i vacuumed it out via the tank cap air tube to relieve air block in the valve.
Happy Days :smt004
Oh mutly,,you did it again,she he he he he ehheheheh
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