It won't be long before I split the ETZ cases (Not literally I hope ). In the past I have been cheeky enough to get away with putting the engine in the oven and heating to about 180 C. I don't think I'll get away with it this time, as well as not liking my food to taste of burning engine oil
You might have seen the Youtube MZ man heating up his engine with 2x blow torches not to mention the fact that he heats up just one area not even spreading the heat. Well I could try that but I was considering submersing my entire engine under boiling water in a BURCO boiler that I have in the shed.
Then again the factory uses a nice electric hot plate so yesterday I bought one of those for about 14 quid.
Another thing is heating the inner main bearing races...The same bloke, as mentioned before, uses a MAP gas torch well I certainly wouldn't do that as its so easy to blue part of the bearing and temper the steel...who wants a brand new bearings fitted with softened balls?
The factory uses a nice metal plug heated on their stove, but I haven't got a lathe to turn one down so I was thinking of heating up engine oil on the new stove in a small tin to about 200 C and submersing the bearing whilst the temperature can be monitored by IR (laser) thermometer. This will ensure safety as far of not overheating the bearing. One snag is that the outer race surface will need to have the oil removed with a rag before fitting to ensure metal to metal contact with its alloy housing. Trapping any oil is very likely to lead to a bearing spinning in the case at some future time.
Anyway these are a few ideas I've had before I start but I wonder how others go about it.
Then again, are there many variations ...Probably not...