Traveller lights

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Traveller lights

Postby Travdan » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:31 pm

Anybody know what bulbs are used in the 95 traveller headlights I think mine are standard (55/40) and would like to upgrade to something brighter but the H4 on sale in nearby bike shops look a bit larger than the three prongs fitting on mine ?
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Postby whysub01 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:56 pm

The bulbs used are an odd size. MZ dealers stock them in the UK (at £18.00 each :shock: :shock: ). An H4 bulb can be had from any car shop for about £2.50. Or £0.20 from a scrap yard.

M&P accesories sell a similar looking bulb to the one the MZ use (I think they call it a PK43 or something similar) at about £5 each.

I filed down and bent the prongs on an H$ bulb, which worked-but the bulb was too long for the lens which wrecked the light pattern completely.

I'll see if i can find the M&P site link to the bulbs and post it later.
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Traveller lights

Postby Travdan » Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:03 pm

Thanks - whysub01
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