First thing I did was check for light coming from bulb whilst very very slowly turning the wheel, I got nothing out of the ordinary.
I removed the cam washer and put the cam back on, still ran backwards. The cam is a little grooved, sure but we move on.
But decided to change points and back adjuster plate the time, still the same.
Then I put the washer back on with the cam and something changed- the timing was way off, the small recess which is a bit of bent down metal (presumably with a hammer and tiny chisel) that coincides with the key of the cam broke off- so... i take a different rotor from one I have spare...., time it all up, and it times up the same as before - everything is exactly the same! Still it runs backwards half the time.
I then put original back adjuster plate and points on but you guessed it- Backwards running.
I also put total gap as 0.4mm but same thing.
The only thing I did do for experimentation was have the points gap about 1mm- that seemed to stop it running backwards, but that isn't a solution.

At the minute, I think the only thing I can do is swap the electronic ignition from my 251 onto this ETZ250, and equally put the contact breaker system onto the 251. And see what the results will be- for example, a question in my mind is would the 251 run backwards?