MZ TS 250 brake light relay

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Re: MZ TS 250 brake light relay

Postby Blurredman » Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:29 am


But I don't know really if it is a bad thing to use the grounding of the bike to make a total circuit. Honda used to love to do it with indicators (and so did MZ when they used the bar end type). Though I could see why it might interfere when you have 1 on the front and 1 at the rear, maybe.

Oh well. At least you got it fixed! There have actually been a few threads on this very issue over the years with the US TS250's, without a concrete resolution I don't think... So this might be nice to link to for those people of the future who also have the same issue. :-D
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10,000 miles
1981 Honda CX500B - 91,000 miles
1987 MZ ETZ300 - 39,000 miles
1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50,000 miles
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