You may have seen my introduction in the main lobby. I've been reconditioning a 251 and am having problems with kickback. The bike's almost ready but this is stopping me from using it.
When I picked the bike up I the kickstart wouldn't turn the engine over. I later found this to be the mechanism (pawl?) not returning. The usual slap with a hammer sorted it. Now the bike has been put back together it's much better, but but still happens now and again. However, about 50% of the time I kick the bike over it kicks back. I've done the usual things like checking the gaps and the timing. Everything is spot on.
There are only two candidates I can think of, mixture too weak/lean or the kickstart pawl dragging on the splines. If it was dragging it would explain both the kickback and the mechanism sticking. Has anyone experienced this before, or has any ideas? The bike has only done 8,000 miles so I'd be surprised if it has worn this quick. I also mention the mixture as I found the idle speed control screw setting to be quite far out from what's in the Haynes manual.
Thanks in advance