Skorpion Parts

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Skorpion Parts

Postby mr.combo » Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:24 pm

Anyone fitted a different front caliper or rear shocker to their Skorp? If so, what, and what difference (if any) did it make?

I ask because my front caliper and rear shock will need replacing soon and I wondered about fitting 'beefier' parts than standard, especially the rear shock as I had one snap on me a few years ago.


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Postby whysub01 » Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:43 pm

I suppose you could spend a day in a breakers comparing shocks and mountings, but better get a aftermarket one (Hagon in the UK do great units at good prices).

Not tried a different caliper on my (sold 42 minutes ago) Sport, but have a Honda VFR750 one about to go on my Baggi, along witha home made bracket.

Same as the shock, go compare calipers at a breakers.
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