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Postby PROLINE » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:17 pm

I have a new customer W660/scorpion The bike ran way too rich I have leaned it out and it now runs a ton better. I have used my model 250 dyno w/air fuel to set it up. I need to know the stagger on the main jets or any reccomendations Here are the old problems Suddenly rich as soon as the cv side opened.(repair was to raise clip and install spring on top of needle pushing down. It was in under needle pushing up). Also I changed the left carb to a 90 jet as it was the only size I had (from a 130) The right carb had 175 and I installed 170 I will try to change the left side to 110 and the right to 150 would this be the correct stagger. Last I had to bottom out the screw in between the two carbs just to make it accelerate smooth It has 40bph at the rear wheel with 43 ft lb tq... Now I think this problem was related to the richness of the bike but here goes... Long left turns on a track or a bunch of lefts the thing would sputter out I think it may have been because the bike ran in the rich area but if you have had the same stuff please post or write
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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:58 pm
Location: orlando florida

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