Hi everybody, this is my first message in the forum, so I want to introduce myself.
I'm Ennio, a 30 years old engineer from a Northern Italy city. I've just felt in love with a "blonde" Baghira, lent by a friend of mine for driving license's exam.
I had to change the old battery, but when i mounted the saddle i couldn't find one of the side screws.
So now I'm using the motorbike only with the rear and right screw.
I looked fot it in several shops here, event in the one where my friend bought the Baghira, but the haven't any, because they say MZ is almost "closed".
So, if there is anybody there taht could send me a couple of screws, I'd be very happy for this "almost Christmas" gift. Obviously I'll pay what have to be paid
Forgive me for my poor english, and have a good end of the year!