Racing "stock" Skorpions in NE US (USCRA)

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Racing "stock" Skorpions in NE US (USCRA)

Postby samandkimberly » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:58 am

For anyone in the NE US who wants to try racing their stock or near stock Skorpion: the US Classic racing association is a great club, they run 4 events at New Hampshire Motor Speedway every year as well as some less race oriented street events. They just finalized their rules for the singles class:

any air cooled single, any displacement, any chassis. No liquid cooled motors, with one exception:
MZ Skorpion - any year. Must use stock carburetor.

The stock carb was a suggestion as the one thing you can easily check that's a pretty substantial performance limiter - you could build a fast bike around it, but no rocket sled. The Skorpion is not supposed to be the focus of this class, it's simply a low cost, available racebike that embodies the pre-motard/minimoto singles philosophy.

Now, granted, you probably won't win against a Tigcraft framed SRX or Rotax based bike, but there aren't any of those out there. Even then, if you do want to win, tuning a racer around the stock carb is going to be a challenge. But you can probably do OK on a stocker; it's a very tight course that rewards good riding. I run other classes up there, and I will probably run my bone stock Skorpion; It would be my pleasure to help anyone who wanted to try racing their bike up there this year; it should be a world of fun!

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