by MSW » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:34 pm
As far as I can tell, all the printed stuff (manual/parts list/wiring diagrams, etc.) are the same for Baggies and Mastiffs no matter what country the bike was sold in. I bought mine here in the U.S., and the manual comes in German, English, and French, and the wiring diagrams are in German and English.
The only problem I've ever had with the wiring diagrams is making sure I knew which color it was referring to, given the German abbreviation. E.g.:
rt = red (rot)
br = brown (brun)
gr = green (grun)
ws = white (weiss)
sw = black (schwarz)
ge = yellow (gelb)
bl = blue (blau)
hellblau = light blue
dunkelblau = dark blue
lila = purple
orange = uuuhhhhh.... orange
2005 Black Panther
I like my beer like I like my women: cold, dark, and bitter.