I don't want to demonstrate to any grannies present the art of egg-sucking - but I had one of our select little band send me a pair of very-nice-but-seized Tarozzi bar clamps yesterday to split for him.
The package arrived this morning and the 'seized' clamps came apart in less than 5 minutes - and made me realise that, like many things to do with spanner-bashing, it's all down to technique.
It's not even skill - a monkey can't operate a zipper .... until it's shown how, then you can't keep the beggar out! I was lucky in growing up around bikers back in the 'sixties, who showed me all sorts of clever stuff ....... and then I became an engineer.
So, I've updated my Skorpion braindump site to include a Tarozzi 'how-to' - http://www.totalaptitude.com/skorp/index.htm