Sport speedo change

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Sport speedo change

Postby Riggins9 » Mon May 14, 2012 1:54 pm

Hi there,has anyone changed a speedo on a sport? How do you get the trip meter knob off,I've tried to pull it but I don't want to break it,so if anyone has done it before please answer this post.cheers Gary
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Re: Sport speedo change

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue May 15, 2012 1:32 am

if you mean the big MMB, that knob has left-handed thread, but forget it - nearly impossible to remove, and not worth it, either.

simplest and most accurate: get a bike thingy, perhaps from Sigma, one with illumination for a few $$, stick it where the worthless clock is/was.

There is a lot on the topic in the archives, both for the speedo and the tach which is much worse.
If you can afford it, get one of those all-in-one instruments from Stack or Motogadget. Looks much better, works as a first class instrument should and displays more info as well.
Much cheaper but of acceptable quality: Acewell.

And then there are a number of digital speedos for motorcycles out there, very small and accurate.

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Re: Sport speedo change

Postby Riggins9 » Tue May 15, 2012 5:27 am

hi there bill,thanks for your help,my finances may run to a acewell clock,are they hard to fit?
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Re: Sport speedo change

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue May 15, 2012 6:19 am

no, not at all. magnet pickup just like a bike speedo. Acewell offers a brake rotor substitute bolt with magnet head: nice.
tach part connects to minus pin of the coil; very easy.
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Re: Sport speedo change

Postby Nils D » Fri May 18, 2012 6:58 am

My trip-meter broke, the shaft fell out of position, and the knob became a bit lose as well. I then had to break the knob in to pieces, so I could open up the speedo-meter. Then I could put the trip-meter in order.
After having put the whole speedo-meter together, I made a new "knob" that I glued to the shaft of the trip-meter so it could be used as before.
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