Baggy road ride.

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Baggy road ride.

Postby GordonH » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:03 am

Back up to January of this year. Baby shower for our middle daughter, who lives in Las Vegas, at home here in Michigan. How to get all the stuff out to Vegas. Ship it? No. I'll take the stuff out in the van. Oh, and I'll take the Baggy and take a mini road trip from there. Plans were made, hotels for the trip were booked and the Baggy was prepped. Okay. I've loaded bikes in the van by myself though not the Baggy. Started rolling it into the van, got the front end in quite a ways and it started to roll back down the ramp. No problem just hit the front brake. Just couldn't quite grab it as it was rolling backwards. Now it's starting to fall over to the right and is getting away from me. Bike catches my hand/finger between the handlebar and the edge of the turn signal assembly on the van. Hurts a little but now the bike is perched precariously half in and half out of the van with the rear wheel still on the ramp. Hand was clear by now so I glanced to where it hurt and said S**t. Thats gonna need stitches. Blood dripping everywhere. Into the garage to get a clean rag to catch the blood and put some pressure on the wound. Over to the neighbor to ask her to watch the bike and van while I go to the urgent care to get fixed up. Grab the keys to the other car and go to get in it when I smell gas. Gas is leaking from the tank. I man up and wrestle the bike off the van and put it on the side stand and I'm on my way. Four stitches later I'm home and feeling like an idiot. Now I'm behind schedule and have a damaged hand. Baggy was damaged in the fall. Right side tank plastic cracked. Next day. Hasty repairs made. Got help to load the bike and last minute chores done. Uneventful ride out to Vegas. First night in Kearney,NE was a little iffy as there were tornados 15 miles North of there.
Got to Megan and Joe's and held our newest grandson, Landon. Hadn't seen him since he was born two months ago. He's growing real fast. Wife Kathy flew in on Wed. Forward to Friday. Kathy and I are taking the bike up to MT. Charleston for lunch. Ride up was nice. Temp change was really noticeable. Got to the restaurant and there was a guy just leaving on a bike. He had just gotten back from riding to the tip of South America. Talked for a little while, but he was late for a meet up with some friends on the strip so he had to bug out. Ride back down was nice, but was puking coolant out of the overflow when we got back to the house. Waited for the bike to cool down and checked the rad. Everything looked ok so I just left it alone.
Monday I left for a solo ride up to Mt.Zion National Park. Stayed in ST. George and left Tuesday for an all dayer. Morning ride was as perfect as you could ask for. Temp was cool. Driving on hwy9 through Zion is something everyone should experience on a bike. The lack of sight interference you have in a car is wonderful. Things in the foreground move by fast as things in the background seem to stand still. Drove through to Page, Arizona where my route was stopped due to a road closure. Just turned around and went back on my route. Back through Zion I got behind some busses which have to be escorted through the tunnels in the park. Bike started to puke coolant again as we waited our turn to go through the tunnels. Lots more than before. Made it back to the hotel with no further incidents. Checked coolant. level looked good. Trip back to Vegas next day was uneventful.
Seat is CRAP. I'll have to get something a little wider and softer if I keep doing rides like this
Have to check to see if thermostat is turning on the fans. Hi-temp light didn't come on at all.
Highway pegs are need for the long straight rides.
Utah is freaking awesome for riding.

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Re: Baggy road ride.

Postby GordonH » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:26 am

Seat update. Took a trip over to St. Charles Illinois with the Baggy in the van. Had made an appointment with Jon Revilla to have the seat redone. He had Kathy and myself sit on the bike while he marked out what he had to do to make it more suitable for what we do.He's been building motorcycle seats for decades and knows his stuff. His website is He's done Skorpion seats also and one friend of mine says 400 mile days are no problem. More when I get the seat back.

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Re: Baggy road ride.

Postby billr » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:19 am

GordonH wrote: His website is He's done Skorpion seats also and one friend of mine says 400 mile days are no problem.

It's not the seat anymore, it's the knees... :D
Thanks for the link. I'm on Traveller with a Sargent seat right now and it's working OK.
Been wondering about adding an inch or 2 of height to see if it might help with the knee bend.
Don't want to mess with the pegs.
Bill R
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Re: Baggy road ride.

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:10 am

i am having problems with my knees
wife says its because i am older than dirt
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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