Sorry about the delay in replying, its been a bit hectic. Yes, the pivots on the shock bottom mount and dogbone ends seem to be a strip and grease when apart affair, this is the same as the Honda Prolink I have.
IMO though, if the top shock bush is held tight at its metal centre, the outer rubber portion would resist the slight rocking motion of the shock adding torsional value to the spring rate and wear on the internal bushes in the damper. My take on it would be to make a bush with a close sliding fit to the central bolt and also a close pivoting fit to the frame lugs.
I don't have much experience of mono shocks , my Hornet 919 has free moving bearing pivots on its monoshock both top and bottom and the old seventies Honda CB750 Four has a free pivoting top mount by virtue of a shoulder on the top shock frame mounts to stop the dome nut and its thick washer clamping the top shock central bush tight.
Only my opinion mind
i'll be happy to stand corrected by the other more knowledgeable users here. I am a MZ novice after all