XTZ not revving

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XTZ not revving

Postby kanox » Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:41 am

Hi all, greetings form Spain.

I own a 1993 XTZ 660 with some mods, removed snorkel, Pipercross foam filter, 1 teeeh smaller in the front sprocket and open exhaust "Dominator Poland".

The jetting is stock. The bike runs fine in the 3 first gears, but 4th and 5th gear it just reaches a flat spot at around 5000 rpm and is very slow accelerating in that point.

If i rev it hard in 3th gear, up to 7000 rpm and then engage 4th it continues to pull hard and then 5th again pulls hard, but it rpms fall down to 5000 rpm in those gears then acceleration is again super slow.

Due to the higest air flow of the modded airbox, air filter and exhaust do I need to lift both needles in the carbs? Any help will be welcome.

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