grimeca master cylinder

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grimeca master cylinder

Postby handsomejackuk » Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:15 am


I know i asked this question b4 but any other bike use the grimeca front master cylinder setup. I would like a Better front brake lever with adjustable Span

Any ideas ?

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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby fozzymz » Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:13 pm

I have a PT racing master cylinder. Adjustable span and ratio. Works a treat.
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:05 pm

lots of luck the grimeca brake levers seem to be common to mz only at least here in the usa

the front brake lamp switch is common to some early 1980's bmw models
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby AtomicSpew » Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:30 pm

I just mentioned these in another post, but ASV levers would surely have an application for our bikes. As soon as I get mine running again, I'm going down to my local KTM dealer (who is also an ASV dealer) to compare the MC and levers and order me up some new shorty's! ... index.html
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:09 am

Thanks for info I Have stripped the paint off my lever and polished and flattened the ball by filing and drilled a hole in the ball just to make it look better. But what I really want is a shorter lever to fit on the standard master cylinder. Looks like I am out of luck and have to change the full shabang...

thanks anyway

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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby MSW » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:05 pm

I'm getting closer to finding a direct bolt-on, shorty front brake lever for my Baggy. I tried to modify a KTM lever (from the late 90s LC4), but the KTM master cylinder is apparently nothing like the Grimeca, because the "arm" that actuates the master cylinder plunger isn't even close.

I did find out that lots of trials guys use Grimeca M/Cs, so I've tried one that I thought was close. Here's a pic of it next to my (slightly bent - don't ask) stock:


The good news about this one is that it uses exactly the same adjuster screw (that goes through the bottom of the actuator arm and connects with the M/C plunger), and is clearly manufactured for a Grimeca M/C that is oh-so-close to the Baggy's.

The bad news is that, due to the very slight differences in geometry, I'm still not there. First, in order to get it to fit right, I had to grind about a mm off of the stopper end of the lever (blue arrow), which wasn't really so bad. However, even when I got that satisfactorily fitted, the actuator arm (red arrow) is a couple of millimeters short of the stock Baggy lever. This means that the adjuster screw that goes through the end of the arm doesn't quite line up with the M/C plunger.

The issue here is that the actuator arm and adjuster screw are moving on an arc, and the stock lever is engineered such that the screw meets the plunger at the bottom of its arc when the M/C is in the important part of its operation. Because of the shorter actuator arm on the modified lever, the angle is a little to steep when it meets the plunger.

I have the idea that I can "lengthen" the actuator arm on the new lever by cutting two small oval brackets (kind of like an "8" shape) and a sleeve between them to fit the end of the actuator arm. I.e., the "8's" get secured to either side of the actuator arm with a bolt/nut, and the adjuster screw goes through the bottom holes on the "8s" and the sleeve. Probably a lot of trouble for an imperfect setup, though.

Bottom line on this try: I made it fit, but it's far from ideal. This shorty allows me to fit my Acerbis Rallye Pro handguards without moving the M/C perch, but the ill-fitting lever (especially the short actuator arm) makes me worry about safety. I've still got it on, and the front brake is fully functional even under a hard squeeze, but the lack of a perfect match between arm and plunger still bothers me.

That said, I've searched and searched the internet to find anything close, and the best I've come up with is the above. Believe it or not, given the time that I've spent trying to find a solution, if I had to recommend a solution to someone, I'd say get a second stock lever and cut it. If you're decent at welding aluminum, maybe you can even cut out a section and weld the ball back onto the end for safety.

Another weird thing about my search is that, back in November, I test-rode a 2008 KTM 990 Adventure. As I laid my hand on the front brake and looked down at the lever, I could have sworn I was staring at my Baggy's front brake lever. It looked exactly the same. However, in my searches for an OEM replacement for the 2008 990 Adventure, the actuator arms on them (and in fact on all the KTMs with hydraulic front brakes) look way too short.

Oh, well. Hope some of that helps.
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby handsomejackuk » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:24 am

Thanks for that looks like the easiest way is to fit a complete master cylinder. and lever from a motocross or road bike setup. I would certainly be concerned about saftey with a modified lever !

A mate of mine has drilled his front levers to lighten and trick up but I would be concerned Especially if I had an accident.

Will start looking for some road setups i think.

Also while we are on the subject any thoughts on clutch levers........?

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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby MSW » Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:13 pm

The KTM stock replacement fits like a glove. I believe the KTM part no. is 02-01-002 (don't hold me to that, though). I bought a Sunline OEM replacement lever from Parts Unlimited for $9.00. The Parts Unlimited number for the alloy (unpainted) shorty clutch lever is 0613-0047.
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby handsomejackuk » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:04 pm


can you confirm that the ktm brake lever has adjustable span or is it a direct replacement for the original. I Have a KTM dealer not to far away from me...

Would be great if I had the part number

~Thanks Alun
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:06 pm

montesa trials bike early 90's but not able to confirm
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby AtomicSpew » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:26 pm

There used to be a post on this site that had all interchangable parts on our bike (with KTM's, etc.). Now granted, I didn't do an extensive search for it, so if it's easy to find don't flame me, but could somebody make that a sticky? Is it a sticky already somewhere??

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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:37 pm

That list doesn't cover brake or clutch levers, sadly.
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby MSW » Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:00 pm

handsomejackuk wrote:msw,

can you confirm that the ktm brake lever has adjustable span or is it a direct replacement for the original. I Have a KTM dealer not to far away from me...

The 990 Adventure lever does have an adjustable span, which might mean that it won't fit the Baggy's M/C in any event. Just from looking at the stock KTM Adventure lever and its aftermarket replacements, it looks like the actuator arm isn't nearly long enough to fit the Grimeca M/C.

Might be worth looking at the ASV "universal" lever, though, to see if there's any way it might fit. ASV has one on their eBay scratch 'n' dent store for $40.00. I'm getting so bothered by this that I might just take a flier to find out.
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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby AtomicSpew » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:57 pm

dude! ixnay ethay ebayway inthay!

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Re: grimeca master cylinder

Postby MSW » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:12 pm

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