Baggy handling

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Baggy handling

Postby marcdanziger » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:48 am

I bought a 2003 Baghira, which the previous owner had set up with .85 Eiback front springs, and lowering the rear about 1" via a dogbones change (which I may undo). It's got an interesting handling quirk...

And then I had a couple interesting moments...on level turns where I was still on trailing throttle mid-turn (max lean) the front end started to tuck..."that's odd," I thought.

So I tried a bunch of other corners over the course of the day, and it only happens on slightly uphill or level corners where I have a LOT of lean angle (think touching the pegs on the Baghira) and where I'm trailing the throttle.

Now I know the answer to the problem...don't do that...but I'm interesting in WTH is going on.

Anyone have any ideas?
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Postby keithcross » Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:36 am

Maybe your front tyre has reached its limit of traction at these lean angles and conditions.

Ride it like you stole it
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Postby AtomicSpew » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:08 pm

I'm assuming you're on a SuperMoto Baggy? I too have an '03 that was lowered via the dogbone replacement (that I'm also thinking of reversing), and I noticed a similar phenom in the turns. A couple thoughts: Check your suspension settings, and possibly tighten them up.

Check YOUR setting on the bike: how far forward are you? I got on the Baggy after riding Ninja's and other traditional sport bike set-up's, and found (and there are posts here to support this) that I wasn't nearly far forward enough in the turns. The front-end is SO light and tall, that it really needs to be forced down by your weight. Get up on those handlebars when you're tossing it into a turn, and think about kicking a foot out instead of staying planted on the peg. If you're leaning way off the bike ala sport-bike mode, you're quite possibly going to dump it. Watch some SuperMoto videos, go to a track day, and practice at slower speeds, but you WILL need to adjust your riding style for this bike if you're going to be plowing through the turns. It's a whole new paradigm if you were a sport-bike rider, but once you get some confidence, the Baggy will be right there for you, and the smiles become ear-to-ear. Oh yeah, and watch out for rear-wheel spin in the exit! The Baggy will comply and fall right into place with a little body english, but GD if the first couple times that happens doesn't make you drop a load!
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Postby F0ul_Oli » Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:46 pm

I d agree - Its all about sitting on the tank!!

The leg out is good for confidence, so if you do go too low, your leg hits the road and you stay on the bike!

I did an off road course recently, and was told to keep my foot in line with the bike, if you do find it touching the floor, if its not pointing the right way, its going to hurt - a lot!

I will only run out of ways of modify the Baggy when it weighs less that 100 kg and runs 100 bhp at the back wheel!! - putting the IT in Profit!
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Postby irishnutjars » Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:08 pm

Dont know if this post is dead but--

Check your steering head bearings!

I had awful handling on mine when I first got it- front wheel tucking etc..

Took me AGES to realise bearings were gone as they are not taper rollers so when I lifted bike off ground to check them the weight was on top bearing which was ok(ish)- its the bottom one that takes the shunts!! (it should make sense if you try it and have a look inside! I had almost given up on mzs thinking I had a twisted bike or something!

What a transformation with them changed!!

I also have lowered rear via wishbone and just dropped the forks a little ( little spacer for handle bars) It handles like a dream now.

I am desperately on the look-out for a taper roller conversion asap as I dont see present ones lasting too long!

Hope you are sorted...

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