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Length of time between oil changes??????????????????????????

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:53 am
by raceitb22
Hola, peoples its been awhile since ive posted anything,
Ive got 2800 miles on my bike, i have had one oil change at 600 miles, what is the normal mile intervel between changes???? ALso can any one recommend a better oil than Volsynthese. Or a more common oil and viscosity numbers??????????????

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:32 pm
by keithcross
MZ recommend changing the oil every 6000kms or 4000 miles, But I change mine at 3000 miles. As fo oil type its a personal thing, but any good quality 10W40 semi synthetic is up to the job. Some owners use fully synth, but MZ say semi is OK. Up to you really.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:39 pm
by raceitb22
THnks Keith

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:46 am
by phlat65
same as Keith, 3,000 mile changes, and I use the German Pentosynth in 5w-40.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:15 pm
by andyw
Hi, first post and first of many questions :lol:

Great forum, found many answers and useful tips already, I'm a compulsive 'tinkerer' so 24 hours in to Mastiff ownership.............and it's well and truly in bits! :roll:

Oil.........two viscosities mentioned here neither of which tally with the manual?! :shock: - manual refers to 20W40. That said went in to the dealer earlier for oil and he recommended 10W40 ( was that 'cos he didn't have 20/40??? :twisted: )

10/40 makes sense in the colder weather but maybe 20/40 will be better for summer? I've gone for semi synth, can't see the point in spending the extra on fully synth on this sort of motor - rather save the ££'s for more frequent oil changes :wink:

Oil filters - I've got a genuine Yam part (aX7-13340-90 mentioned a number if times on the forum already, thanks :D ) but to save cost in future have ordered a few from
They quote a p/n of OF019 (no idea what brand yet) but since found 'high flow' filters with a ref of OIF 018 ............any experience anyone?

Cheers for now

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:43 pm
by roge-a-billy
Welcome to site. Did you get the Mastiff with matching red exhaust can on Evil bay? if you did long haul from the southwest to Benson aint it :-D

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:04 pm
by andyw
I did.......

Brought the bike back in a van :-D'd been sat for months and I wanted to check it over properly before riding it (especially any distance!)
Hope to be out for a decent ride on it tomorrow after it's been in bits the last few days for a top to toe check over and servicing.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:56 am
by dmon722000
I've been doing it every 3,000 miles and the filter every other change. I use Motorex 20 w 50 race oil and at 36,000 miles I had to replace second gear due to a big no no on my part and to my amazement (not really) everything looked new inside. I'm still on the same clutch set. When it comes to life remember "Buy Quality and Cry Once"