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Skorpion running too slow
Mon May 14, 2007 11:45 am
by jimc
Anybody attempted to regulate that little clock on the SPORT?
New battery and it consistently runs 5 slow in 24 hr, even if it's parked
several days.
Didn't see a +/- adjuster when i did the battery, maybe i missed it .
Not expecting Atomic accuracy , but i think it can do better....
Sun May 20, 2007 1:20 pm
by whysub01
Coulkd never get mine to work properly, so took it out and campared it to every watch i saw on market stalls and Pound shops (Thrift shops I thnk they are called in the US).
Eventually found one that fitted with minimal adaptation, and kept good time.
It takes some looking, but seek and ye shall find.
Mon May 21, 2007 11:56 am
by Nils D
Or you try to find a proper watchmaker, one that can replace the clockwork.
I had it done on my first clock. Unfortunately I dropped it because I had forgotten to secure the clock on the back of the dashboard.
But thanks to "omrra91" in Portland, Oregon, I now have an other one. And right now it's at the watchmaker who is fitting it with both glass and clockwork (I know the brand is "Ronda", the exact model I could ask.)
Last time I paid him something like 75 USD.