Spark Plug Cover NGK ?

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Spark Plug Cover NGK ?

Postby maxgain » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:21 am

Hi there

I am in the process of replacing my coil because of starting issues and damp weather riding. The new one does not come with a spark plug cover and mine is reading a little on the high side. Does anyone know the type/ model number of the plug covers in our bikes (95 skorpion). I am tempted to replace it with a NGK type, but dont know the model number. Anyone else running with a NGK or have any views on this. It would be much appreciated.
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Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:35 pm

without wanting to disappoint you, the OEM part of the Skorpion is from NGK. The cap is OK, but the wire leaves a lot to be desired.
go here:

on the last page, the 50cm with straight plug is the one to get; not like the stock but fits and is much better.

Personally, I use a "power cable" with straight plug from BERU, a car lead off the self of the local car parts jobber:
could, however prove difficult to get in the States. If you are using the original Denso coil, you need to get a copper core lead, regardless of make.
I use a SilentHektik MotoCoil:
which bolts right in to the two tabs on the frame of the Skorpion. This coil take the standrd type car lead to plug in, not a screw-on lead like the Denso. It also has a much hotter spark.
here on the street bike.
MotoCoil_toy.jpg (71.01 KiB) Viewed 2818 times
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Bill Jurgenson
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Postby maxgain » Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:57 am

Hi there Bill

many thanks for your reply. I have obtained the coil new from a Yamaha dealer, and will change the wire and plug socket. The NGK 50cm looks like my prefered choice. Does it have the correct resistance ? Only I read somewhere it should be 10k in our bikes. The NGK pdf says its 5K.

Mine incidently reads nearer 13k. I am just looking to give it all the spark possible.

Regards - Stu
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Postby Bill Jurgenson » Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:28 am

the resistance is only to suppress spark noise which may bother car driver's radios and possibly hi-tech electronics like a speed shifter which I am sure you don't have. Otherwise, you could use classic coppercore wire.

The NGK I listed is sold over the counter over here by bothe big motorcycle stuff suppliers, Hein Gericke and Louis. I don't think they are represented (mail order) in the States. Gericke is in the UK.

The correct parts number for the the BERU cable is: R 118 060
ordering number: 0 302 100033

This is the very best lead available but only usable if you have a coil with a socket, not a screw.

For comparison. look at this table. Disregarding the German, you can see for yourself, that the Denso coil has only 45mj as compared to the Motocoil's 120mj or the Solocoil's 160mj.
The Motocoil has nearly three times the spark energy of the Denso which doesn't even quite approach a plain old ordinary car coil.
The looses of electronic ignitions can be significant. I know from experience, that these coils are a real improvement, in direct comparison with both the stock ignition and also with racing ignitions on several different bikes.
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Bill Jurgenson
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Postby Bill Jurgenson » Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:31 am

forgot the link to the tble!

getting old...
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Postby maxgain » Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:59 am

Once again Bill thanks for your help

I have finally tracked a supplier who sales the lead you suggested. Heine Gericke also do mail order over here, but didnt do this part.

Wish I had posted this before purchasing the Yammie coil as the Silent one you use looks pretty good.
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