Re: Baghira supermoto help!!!!
Wed May 21, 2008 11:11 pm
by scout18
Gotta tell you that your green font is a little hard to read
Re: Baghira supermoto help!!!!
Thu May 22, 2008 2:30 am
by Sue
If you have difficulty getting parts over there its worth contacting Grahams Motorcycles in UK - he ships all over the world. Just replaced my twist lock screws on my seat - he's plenty of them, reasonable shipping prices and quick delivery (within UK anyway). Good luck finding somewhere local.
Link in case you need it :
Re: Baghira supermoto help!!!!
Thu May 22, 2008 10:40 pm
by phlat65
for sprockets, go to your local motorcycle dealer, and order front and rear sprockets for a 1993 Yamaha XT600ee. I ordered 3 sizes for the rear, they were $20 each in steel through tucker rocky. I would not recommend changing the front due to loosing mechanical advantage if you go smaller, and larger may rub the case.
The "Dzus" fasteners are a bit harder, you can try a good race car parts shop, or go to your local small airport and ask one of the mechanics at the repair facility if he can get them for you.