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Rear Light unit - Skorpion Tour

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:50 am
by Linegeist
It never rains unless it's on my parade! :? There I was, thinking I was clever, clutching the shiny new tail-light lens that arrived this morning - only to find that, when I offered it up, some helpful chap had fitted a completely different light unit at some point in my bike's seemingly chequered history. :(

I wondered why the panels didn't fit too well around the rear end ........... :roll:

Is there a standard unit that folks retro-fit to a Skorp', gents, or do I have to butcher what I've got right now to fit the correct lens ????????

Ta in advance. :)

Re: Rear Light unit - Skorpion Tour

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:59 am
by Bill Jurgenson
This diode rear light is a vailable from Detlev Louis. It is the same shape and size and the original tail light.
here is their page for foreign customers:

The Tour has the same tail light as a Ducati Monster so you can check thru for that one.
I understand why the orignla was changed.the vibes are pretty bad back there. I never went very far without taking 2 or 3 spare bulbs along.
The diode lights are much better in this respect. Mine has been holding up quite a while now.

Re: Rear Light unit - Skorpion Tour

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:20 pm
by Linegeist
Spitze!!!! An even more elegant solution than I had planned .... and cheaper than the original too!

Yet again Herr Jurgenson, I am in your debt. Vielen dank. :D