by Dezmo » Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:45 pm
Just got off the phone w/brad from race tech...ordered the springs reccomended in the article, plus a stiffer spring for the rear WP shock for $210 total...a bargin if it works as well as the article implies.
I love the M4, it is a tad loud when youre up in the rev range, but part throttle cruising is acceptably quiet. I havent rejetted yet, it runs well enough w/stock jetting, just a little lean (pops on decel) but doesnt overheat (which would indicate a seriously lean mix.) I am planning on getting the jet kit, along with their headers and a 7800rpm ign box (why did they put the rev limiter 10rpm past peak power?) Eventually I'll prob get a wiseco hi comp piston and some kind of nasty cam for it (prolly upgrade the valve springs and keepers too.) Its all stuff I've done w/raptor motors, so I know the results will be pleasing.
The gearing hasnt really been much of an issue for me, its good enough that I havent even contemplated changing it. it tops out around 100mph which is more than enough imo, especially on what is essentially an enduro bike on tubed tyres. Maybe after the motor mods I'll play around with it a bit to find the sweet spot, but I'm happy for now
Hella Yella, coming ta getcha!