Bottom Triple Clamp

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Bottom Triple Clamp

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:32 pm

Hey everyone.
I was hit by a car a few weeks ago and I'm still picking up the pieces. My trusty Baggy is pretty much alright, just a few bends and scrapes here and there.
My lower triple clamp might be bent. I was wondering if anyone knows if the KTM 360 EXC clamp would fit it or not. I know they used the same forks, but I don't know if they used the same sized clamps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, my subframe seems a bit bent. Does anyone know how much it weakens the steel to simply bend it back?
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Re: Bottom Triple Clamp

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:12 am

Seriously? No help here?
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Re: Bottom Triple Clamp

Postby MuzTruckstuff » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:36 pm

Do you have this part available? Like for free? One you can hold or borrow? If so compare it. Check the front end specs on both bikes to ensure the geometry is the same. On and On. I suspect they won't interchange. Source out the right part and pay the price...or.....break down the bike and sell the bits and pieces. IMHO. Yes on the bent subframe, it's weaker. Sorry to hear about your accident, hope you're OK.
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Re: Bottom Triple Clamp

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:15 pm

Sorry to hear of any accident.
I got a used frame and sub-frame some time ago, can't part with it as it has a title and I have some ideas.
The frame is very lightly damaged and the sub-frames tank mount is broken and looks like it might be "tweeked", not sure.
I examine the sub-frame and really wonder as the seat and tank that I got with other parts is fine. I don't have any problem imagining that what I might consider as "tweeked" being minor slop in a welding jig during production as what I'm considering is within five or six thousants of an inch, a small fraction a spark plug gap, the heat from welding could cause that and consider a Baghira sub-frame doesn't have a serious load...
I can take the sub-frame and move it around with my own physical effort and I'm not very big.
I wouldn't worry much about bending it back as it's not a cast part as the lower fork clamp is. The only thought I'd have is to really look at the details of the damage and identify how many places on the sub-frame that you might consider as locations for doing any bending to work it back as close to stock as possible. Maybe use a straight edge off of the rear tires edges and up to the sub-frame on each side to center it using a tape measure.
If you don't have some one near by with an example. Take your time and use your eyes, be patient and thoughtful observation can go a long way.
Don't ever underestimate your abilities.
I don't have an extra lower triple tree/clamp and can't offer direction other than some of the folks on this forum have swiched over to the USDs. I've had made the needed spacer, it's sitting on my desk in front of me available when I get the time to do that installation.
Best wishes,
Last edited by OLDMTNCARVER on Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bottom Triple Clamp

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:43 pm

I had a friend of mine who works as a steel engineer bend the subframe back. It wasn't much, and he said it would still be more than strong enough, so I'm happy with that. I took the bottom clamp off, took a few measurements, and it seems to be quite straight. Guess I got all worried over nothing. I'll be putting the bike back together in this coming week, so wish me luck!
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