Just had my Baggy nicked

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby Atomic Punk » Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:11 pm

By two hooded scrotes drove off no helmets, I am realy realy pissed off. :evil:
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby kendo » Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:22 pm

Sorry to here about your bike being stolen, you should post the bikes details on these forums incase anyone has seen anything.You never know, the people on owners forums are more likley to spot a bike similar to the one they own.

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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby handsomejackuk » Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:26 pm

sorry to hear that mate, how did they start it ? did you leave the key in or do you think they broke the lock and started it.... i woulld be gutted if mine was nicked, i spent so much time on it to get it where it is today....

Hope you get it back in one piece not fucked with.....

Good luck

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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:55 pm

man you fellows have a stolen bike problem in the uk
where i live they just seem to pick on the atv's

mine is set up so they can have the keys and it will not start
details in a private email it may not stop them but it will
sure have them scratching there heads
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby MSW » Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:10 pm

Dude, that sucks!

What the hell is going on these days? It must be the bad economy. My daughter's bicycle got stolen the other day. You must be a pretty f'd up jerk to deprive a kid of her bike (or a true motorcyclist and MZ lover of his beloved).

I hope you get it back unharmed. Keep the faith.
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby Atomic Punk » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:03 am

I was at work in my bike kit ready to go home, 4 floors up, heard it start, thought that sounds like my bike, when I got down stairs I was right it was my bike. I wouldn't mind so much but we have a security guard monitoring the car park with cctv, Had a right go at him this am, told him to see if he could stop my car from being stolen today.
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby redland_doug » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:30 am

That is really gutting! They probably used the age old technique (much favoured by our indigenous scrotes here in the UK) of a bl**dy great big screw driver. Ram into the ignition lock/door lock/what ever lock, and turn hard. If you're lucky it will smash up the lock internals and presto. If not, you've just buggered up the lock for someone, but who cares? Someone tried this on an old ride of mine - fortunately (???) for me it was a crappy bike, and the lock just broke in two.

Really hope you get it back in one piece.


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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby rodge70 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:26 pm

hopeit turns up soon,when ihad my rx1000 nicked one night a few years ago,reported it to police next morning,they seemed pretty confident in finding it,about 3hrs later got a call to say where it was :shock: ,usual panel and lock damage along with there "temporary" rewire of fuse box :lol: .
fitted an alarm to the new baggy,ebay job,remote start and stop,anti hijack with a fair distance of operation for that mode too,probably would have worked 4 floors up,and keyless if you wanted it as well.
so far proven to be very reliable,easy to fit and for only 25quid a bargain as well,pm for details
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby Grahamgfr » Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:49 pm

Sorry to hear about the bike I know the feeling..

Came out of work a couple of months ago on Rathbone St to the bike bay opposite our office to find my Baghira with a large broken wood screw in the ignition. Managed to get it going but the lock was totally knackered. Spoke to the police the next day who were very helpful, due to the amount of bike's being stolen in that area a special bike theft team had been set up. I was contacted straight away and they told me a KTM had gone in Berwick St around the same time on that day. The idiots attemped it right under the Charlotte St Hotel's cctv camera and one of the team recognised the 5 little boys (14-17) and luckily the Manager of the hotel was also a witness when it later went to court. I was lucky.

I'll be looking for your bike.Hope you get it back.
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby Linegeist » Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:47 pm

It feels like a personal violation doesn't it? These sorry little scrotes have probably never done a day's work in their tawdry little lives, and yet pinch what you've slaved over and laboured to get just right.

I really do feel for you ................ I had a Norton Dominator nicked a few years ago - and got it back in bits. Nothing helps but to get your pride and joy back in one piece (except perhaps peeling the faces off the drain-scrapings that nicked it .... but of course, you never get to meet them, do you? Oh no! That'd be far too much like natural justice ....... :evil: :evil: ).

Meantime, I fervently hope the bottom-feeding, mono-celled, pondlife scum that nicked it get the galloping scrofulus, and that their testicles blacken, rot, and drop off slowly. :evil:
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby redland_doug » Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:11 am


I've just joined the exclusive club of ex-Baggie owners myself. :(

Last night some scrotes came over the fence into my back garden, bust the lock off the gate from the inside and crowbared their way into my workshop. Nicked my ride and both the helmets that I keep in there. Local fuzz seemed totally unbothered - not even sending someone out to fingerprint. Nice. Insurance people won't act until 21 days have passed, so it looks like I'm pedaling to work. I'm totally gutted. Not expecting to see it again, but if you do see a black Baggie around Bristol that's not Rodge's - let me know! Reg was WX53 ZKL.

Roll on 2009 - I've had enough of 2008!

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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:23 am

fellows please post the vin numbers so if a fellow rider spots it the coppers know its the right bike for them to impound
or they have to run lots of paper work searches before they find the owners stolen report

now i see why the English coppers are so big on good quality cctv cameras
the fuel markets over here put them in but the pictures are very poor
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby rodge70 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:07 pm

bad news doug,will keep my eyes peeled as i only know of 3 in bristol,well 2 now,hope the police turn something up,you never know.up in norfolk at the mo visiting friends and hope to be home soon so will keep my eyes open.
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby Atomic Punk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:35 am

Good news: Police phoned to say they have recovered the bike.

Bad news: It was used in a smash and grab and a RTA

I called to find out the dammage, all I could get from the girl at the pound is that the tyre was hanging off a broken front wheel, so thats probably fork dammage at least :(
I just want it back but it will probably go to a salvagers.
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Re: Just had my Baggy nicked

Postby redland_doug » Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:12 pm

Oh that really sucks.

Still waiting to hear about mine - I suspect that it's going to have a similar fate, if it hasn't already been torched....

I couldn't face a month of cycling to work in subzero temperatures, so ashamed as I am to admit it, I've just picked up a really cheap scooter (I mean really cheap) just to get me to work. Hopefully if the insurance pays up it should cover the cost, but I've still had to trade an absolutely brilliant bike (that I'd just spent a ton of wedge on!) for one that I'd never in a million years want to own. Sigh.

Worst bit is that I'd just got all the starting problems sorted on the bike, and it was running brilliantly. Given the long saga of its starting troubles, its ironic that after being layed up for the xmas break, in sub-zero temperatures, the bike obviously started OK for the scrotes!!!! Grrrr........ :evil: Hope they rot.

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