instalation of crash bobbins

I have installed skate wheels to the axle ends tohelp prevent crash damage, and they work.
the best method is to remove the axles and have a machine shop center drill them on a lathe for an 8*1.00 bolt.
I made some spacers out of steel bushing material to fit in the bearing hole, put a washer on each side if the bushing, and bolted them in place.
I also removed the passenger pegs, and mounted some delron sliders in their place.
I crashed on asphalt @50mph, and all that happeden was my bar riser bent, the hand guard got rashed, and it rashed 1 of the skate wheels.
there was no damage to any body panel, and both of my pipes were untoched!
the best method is to remove the axles and have a machine shop center drill them on a lathe for an 8*1.00 bolt.
I made some spacers out of steel bushing material to fit in the bearing hole, put a washer on each side if the bushing, and bolted them in place.
I also removed the passenger pegs, and mounted some delron sliders in their place.
I crashed on asphalt @50mph, and all that happeden was my bar riser bent, the hand guard got rashed, and it rashed 1 of the skate wheels.
there was no damage to any body panel, and both of my pipes were untoched!