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Water pump leak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:54 am
by boofbee
The water pump on my 99 Skorpion Sport has an intermittent leak from what appears to be a drain hole underneath the pump. Only seems to happen when I give the bike the beans (which is most of the time)! Any similar experiences/remedies? Cheers.

Re: Water pump leak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:59 am
test thermostat ---if not open when you squeeze the beans out of it pressure may cause seal to weep or leak
and always a good idea to let it warm up a bit before flogging the crap out of it

Re: Water pump leak

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:02 am
by aah5
Waterpump seal has been the only fault I have ever had with my Skorpion, there is an starndard oil seal and a ceramic face seal that relies on a spring and coolant pressure to do its job.
I replaced the seals with a Yamaha part from a (RZ350?) as the seal is not a separatly listed part for the XTZ but is for other Yamaha models just takes a bit of research.
But for a start just remove the water pump and clean out the area between the seals as any coolant leak tends to dryout in there and crystalise causing the faceseal not to seat properly.
Bought a replacement pump later and fitted that but the old one is still OK.,handy to have plenty of spares.