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NEED HELP! MZ Skorpion Traveler engine cutting off
Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:22 pm
by liawliawliaw
Hello, just finished rebuilding my 98 MZ Skorpion Traveler (havn't touched engine though), before rebuild it was starting fine every time. It started with no probs after rebuild quite a few times, but after I changed oil and done bleeding oil filter it refused to start. Battery went dead, so I recharged battery, wouldn't start so I checked spark plug which was fine, carb is getting fuel, kill swich is off, have fuel in tank. After all checks tryed again and it started and ran for 5 min on idle, when I tilted bike to the left engine suddenly cutt off. Wont start and after trying battery was drained. PLS help!
Re: NEED HELP! MZ Skorpion Traveler engine cutting off
Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:22 pm
sounds like you have a wire pinched when you put parts back on
also look at wire drawing at relay 19 if it is going bad can cause a lot of funny thing to go crazy
jumper red/black to red/white at relay to by pass it but safety interlocks bypassed but that will get it running if relay 19 is bad
but need to remove jumper to shut off bike then
pm me if 19 seems bad and i will explain how it all works as kill switch and sidestand switch plus neutral lamp all work with it
Re: NEED HELP! MZ Skorpion Traveler engine cutting off
Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:35 am
by Old Dog
Sounds like the battery connection is loose - happended to me once, coming down a steep hill.
Re: NEED HELP! MZ Skorpion Traveler engine cutting off
Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:22 pm
by liawliawliaw
TXS for advice guys, drained my fuel tank and cleaned fuel filter, recharged my battery, changed sparkplug to new one and started messing with pilot screw, 2,5 turns and it started immediately, but after 7 min running on idle engine suddenly cut off, inspected sparkplug and it seems like engine is running on rich mixture, leand it up a little bit and started again, but this time started backfiring, back to 2,5 turns and wont idle without open throttle, now after couple days won't start at all, dissasembled carb and inspected floats and they look ok, all o rings are fine, just float chamber seal looks a bit old and cracked, could this be a problem?
Re: NEED HELP! MZ Skorpion Traveler engine cutting off
Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:10 am
by liawliawliaw
problem solved, changed sparkplug again and fully charged battery which seems like not holding charge anymore so ordered another one, fully tightened pilot screw, unscrewed 2.5 turns, drained carb, cleaned sparkplug cable terminals and wholia, problem sorted, starts and runs fine