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95 Skorp Sport left handlebar control

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:30 pm
by dotacion
Hello to everyone-

I haven't visited mzriders in awhile, but I've had my Sorp for ten years.

It's been in hibernation for the last four. I am in the process of getting it roadworthy again. Already got it started, and it sounds great. Got a whole list of things that need attention.

Once the carb was cleaned out and the choke adjusted, found a prob with the bolts that screw the two plastic halves of the left handlebar control. Can't tighten; thread appears to be stripped.

Is there a fix for this? Or is finding a replacement a reasonble alternative?

I'm in Pasadena, CA.


Re: 95 Skorp Sport left handlebar control

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 6:02 pm
by jimc
Have a look at helicoil repair.
Providing you can drill straight and the threaded area isn't cracked.
This would be a permanent fix better than new.
Most any fastener supply place or good hardware or auto parts will stock these.
Good Luck......

Re: 95 Skorp Sport left handlebar control

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:19 am
think its plastic
fill with plastic repair called Qbond and drill out i think screws are sort of self taping
if need i can get web address from store here that sells it
also you may be able to drill hole on threw and use a nut and longer screw