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a quick few questions

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:48 am
by handsomejackuk

having owned my baghira for a few years now. Can anyone tell me does the carb on the right hand side only open on wide throttle openings, is it opened by vacuum ?
how do i know if it is operating properly..?

Also, when adjusting valves yesterday, initially i misadjusted them and ended up with a big gap in the valves. i think they are right now..

What i noticed yesterday, when turning over the engine with 17mm socket on end of crank, the exhaust valve on the left hand side, when sat on bike.. starter motor side... opened slightly before the other one probably 90 degrees before. then it closed and both valves the opened fully... WEird
When i say opened, i mean dropped really slightly prob no more than a couple of millimetres!!!!

I did wonder whether compression was sucking the valve down... Plug was removed when doing this...

Any ideas, is this normal or is the cam doing something like dropping the valve to make starting easier maybe ?

THanks Alun

Re: a quick few questions

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:19 am
not sure about yamaha motor but some briggs and stratton lawn mower engines have the cam ground in a special
way to reduce the force needed to pull start them

Re: a quick few questions

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:48 am
by Eric Frith
The earlier SRX600 engine had a valve lifter connected to the kickstart, there is probably something similar on the later water cooled engines

Re: a quick few questions

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:40 pm
by rodge70
sounds like auto de-compress mech,usualy only operates at hand crank speed and when engine fires centrafugal force disengages it.