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Jet kit for 2001 Skorpion Tour 660

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:27 pm
by turner5770
Whats the best way to obtain one of these? or is there a better way to go about this?

Re: Jet kit for 2001 Skorpion Tour 660

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:18 am
by Anders
The stock carbs are a PITA to tune, and there is a very limited range of jets avaliable for the CV side so you need to drill jets. Incidentally this is the way the Dynojet kit goes about it as well, drills for the jets.

I suggest that you get (or make yourself) a Tunebike type venturi kit. ... retor.html
It helps with throttle response and makes room for the diaphragm (which swells by contact with petrol) so that the CV throttle can open fully.

I have read that Egli recommends to go down from a #140 main jet to #102,5 in the left carb and up from #165 to #175 in the CV half for stock engines, mixture 2,5 turns out, needle position according to what works best for your bike. This is for stock engines with K&N type filer, slip-on and a Tunebike venturi mod. The above mentioned Jet sizes should be avaliable from your Yamaha dealer.

Re: Jet kit for 2001 Skorpion Tour 660

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:14 am
by turner5770
Thanx again i appreciate it, i was wondering what other mods can be done to to make this an even better bike. I heard that the stock brakes are for the birds and is the rear shock swappable with yamaha fzr 400, 600?

Re: Jet kit for 2001 Skorpion Tour 660

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:18 am
by Bill Jurgenson
I suggest you use the search; there must be what amounts to a book on the subject in the archives, not only from me.
Then you should have a look at the MZOG over at Yahoo where there are many pics in galleries and a lot of information.
Then there is the dutch/belgian where there is a lot more and they almost all speak English, so you can asked specific questions. All of what I write there is in Englsh. There a many who have heavily modified there Skorpions, especially Paul with his Replicas and then there is Wim who is a professional tuner. The monoconnectyion, as the name implies, tries to cover all big singles.
And of course you can ask specific questions in English at both german fora: = for the SZR but that is the same engine and a similar bike = pure Skorpion and nothing else.
As with all such fora (just like this one) you have to register to be able to write.
I can only take responsibility for what I put online:

As for Bernd Lischo's (tunebike) kit, it is up front and works. The most important part, tho, is the membrane spacer ring which you can easily make yourself.