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OEM Shock for a Sport or Sport Cup?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:46 pm
by Road Weazel
Is this the original shock or was it replaced? The rear seems to sit a little high, like maybe the shock is a little longer than stock (which would be a good thing)...

Re: OEM Shock for a Sport or Sport Cup?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:51 pm
by guitarzan
My 1995 Sport came OEM with a Bilstein. Your's doesn't look like a stock unit.

Re: OEM Shock for a Sport or Sport Cup?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:22 am
by Bill Jurgenson
it is definitely NOT the OEM shock. Can't tell what make from the picture but be happy you have a fully adjustible strut and not the stock Bilstein which is no great shakes if you only ride solo. And it tends to selfdestruct as many can testify over here.

Re: OEM Shock for a Sport or Sport Cup?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:51 am
by Road Weazel
I figured it was probably off a 600 sportbike of some sort. The back of the bike seems to sit high, the sidestand is a bit short and the rake angle of the forks is a degree or two steeper than the specs say it should be.
All of this suits me fine as I'm a heavier guy (about 205 #/93 Kilos) and the 4.2" of trail seemed a bit excessive.